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Hey there, Dark here. I know, it's been a hot minute since I last popped in to have a chat.

Sorry guys.

Twisted has been doing her best to keep up with posting. Everyone please give her a shout out for how amazing she is.

Sorry we dropped out of existence for... what seems like... forever...

We've had a lot of family deaths in the Dark and the Twisted houses. And now, or maybe I should say, once more? We're roomies. Dark and Twisted, the Sitcom.

I think it'd be interesting. Lots of bickering and heartfelt moments. And dull moments, yeah right.

Anyway, so that's what we've been up to. Getting the Dark house cleaned up (in more ways than one) and ready to be put on the market.

Please be patient with us as we work to get our bearings and lock back into a writing routine.

Lots of Love!

Dark Sister


At least he'd taken Yensid with him.

Deez slides onto the stone bench as she watches the two dots travel slowly in town.

"I can not believe him. Them!"

She winces at Uma's tone before she buries her nose in her notebook.

Gil pulls her from the bench and squeezes her to his chest, "what do you know?" He whispers into her ear.

Well, that hadn't taken long.

She holds the notebook up to show him all the entries, "They've been reporting in."

"Huh," Gil nods, "not exactly thrilled, but good for T."

Her eyes scan over the reports before she shivers, "and I think I understand why he had to act so fast on the idea."

"What'cha thinkin'?" He asks quietly.

"He's building the Spider's lair. I know we didn't plan anything after the Howler and everything, but I think it's a good idea to continue pushing the story."

"Ah," Gil sighs, before he looks to Uma and Harry, who were both working themselves up while trying to calm the other down. "Think they forgot about the map?"

"I was really hoping not," she sighs.

He nods before he looks up, "Uma, Harry-" He states firm enough that the other two pause. "Deez figured out where they are and-"

"Sea God's help me, Baby Girl-"

"And thinks she might know what they're doing. Thinks. Not knows."

She drops her hand to his wrist and squeezes.

He knew.

She swallows hard as she fights tears attempting to form.

He knew she knew more, but he was taking her side.

Helping her.

Helping T.

It took the sting out of Uma's immediate reaction.

Harry narrows his eyes as he storms over and pulls the map towards him with a scowl. "The fuck he be doin' with the Old Man!?" He grumbles.

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