Blood that Binds

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Hey Readers!

Dark here, you've probably noticed we just loaded a bunch of chapters in the same day.

Nothing new, I know. We can defiantly be the worse when it comes to getting our story to you wonderful people.

Small life update for those who follow us. The Dark family has officially moved back into our home, and it is from my office that I realized- 

Oh shit, when was the last time I posted?!

Bonus chapter for our lovely readers, amazing people who put up with our inconsistent posting and other general torture? :D

Lots of Love, I hope you enjoy the extra reading!




Lots of love!



Uma smiles as she looks at her family surrounding her, each special in their own right.

They should have done this when Faustina joined, but now was better than never. Another reason to appreciate their newest addition.

Not only that, but this felt right.



Something to reinforce to Deez that no matter what, she was loved.

A reminder that even if they were lost, they weren't alone in the massive challenge looming on the horizon.

A way to revitalize their dwindling morale.

She kneels beside the crate and pulls out a tray, "everyone sit."

"Yes, Captain." Faustina smiles as she kneels beside the crate with the others.

She smiles, albeit a little sadly. She wished everyone could be present for this, but was happy T let Faustina be the one to come out.

She was going to have to thank him, in private, later.

Daniel looks at her in confusion before he smiles and pecks the tips of his fingers against his head.

His signs for Faustina.

It amazed her at how easily the younger boy accepted the situation.

She still had a hard time telling when T and Faustina switched. It was one thing when they spoke or moved, but both had proclivities to stay in the back and watch.

"Thank you for joining us." She smiles as she settles the tray on the box.

Faustina blushes as she hugs Daniel closer to her, looking away when Deez giggles.

"That sounds like T."

"What sounds like T?" Gil prompts as he looks between the two with a pout.

"T's reason for wanting Faustina out." Deez chuckles.

"An' what that be bein'?" Harry grins.

"The amount of feels."

"Oh," she smiles as Faustina's face burns brighter. "We're family Beauty Girl, and I know how much all of this means to you."

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