A Shift in the Wind

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"Attached. Attached. Attached." T repeats in a rush.

Uma jumps from her seat and races to meet them on the stairs, her arms wrapping around T's waist, almost pulling Beam into the hug as well.

"Ain'nah any injuries ta report, Cap'in." Harry grins as he salutes her.

"Speak for yourself," T mumbles petulantly.

"Shut it, ya still have yer ear." Beam rolls his eyes before he twists his hand, making T yelp, "pull that shit again an' I'll be tempted ta slice it off," he releases his grip, "since ya ain't getting use outta it anyway."

"That. I pick that." T huffs as he hugs her back.

She smiles as T maneuvers slowly to put her in between him and Beam.

"That be low." James bops T on the head with a fist.

"A low I can live with."

Her arms tighten.

They were back.


Unharmed but for a red ear.

Her lungs ache as she lets out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

Heat pricks at her eyes.

She hated this.

Hated getting everything second hand.


Words on a page.

They were out there risking their lives-

T stiffens as he pulls her closer protectively.

"I- I can't stay behind anymore." She shakes her head as warmth trickles down her face, "I can't do this waitin' shit again."

"Uma," Harry frowns as he rests a hand on her shoulder.

"No!" She glares at the group, "no, you don't get it! I can"t."

The silence was deafening.


Pressing against her from all sides.

"Waitin' here, or on dipshit, it's still waitin' Kraken-" Beam rubs the back of his head.

"But you could do something if something happens." She snaps, "what can I do? Except ask questions because I'm blind."

Silence once more settles around them.

"I'd feel better if ya didn't." Gil states bluntly.

"Uma, it's just until the camps are located." Deez offers hesitantly as she peeks around Gil, "they're the best group to deal with this. And then we'll make a plan for the next step, one that involves all of us."

She crosses her arms as she looks away with a huff.

It wasn't rare for Deez to make excellent points-

But it was rare for her Baby Girl to turn those points against her.

Gil raises his hand, "I'm actually okay with us forging, an' ya leadin' from here."

"Oh," Beam grins, "if that's an option-"

"It isn't." She snaps.

"Wait, are you saying you don't want us helping with the camps at all?" Deez asks as she turns on Gil.

Gil's silent for a moment as he studies Deez before he looks away, "I mean, eventually, yeah..."

Deez glares, but huffs and shakes her head, "Uma, you're the Captain-"

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