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She hated this.

Hated that she was about to be confined to the ship while the others went out.

She always felt better when she was surrounded by her family. When she knew they were okay and safe; something she knew was about to become a rarity for the unforeseeable future.

How could it not?

They were trying to get anyone they could to join them on the ship.

Get the Isle Kids off the Isle while the OVs figured out what they were doing.

Get them all away from the witches.


Well as safe as any of them could be.

At least until things settled-

If they settled.

Something she was starting to doubt would ever happen.

She smiles when pale arms wrap around her. "Baby Girl."

"You're worrying." Deez whispers as she tightens the hug.

"Always," she wraps an arm around her small frame.

"It's gonna be okay." Deez promises as she shifts to sit beside her, "we have warnings, we have the notebooks, and you can find the notebooks."

"Aye," She nods.

And it helped.

To be able to communicate and locate each other.

But it wasn't enough.

It was far more than they'd ever had before.

But it wasn't enough.

Not with the current state of unknown they were living in.

Deez stares up at her with sad eyes before she sighs, "I can't even imagine how hard it is to be you."

She snorts, "It ain't like I didn't claim it."

"I know, and you're great at it. But you didn't ask for the rest of this."

"No, I didn't." She admits, "but that doesn't change anything."

"I know that too." Deez nods, "I guess I was trying to figure out how to say thank you."

She smiles as she pulls Deez closer, "you already have."

Deez leans against her, "I mean, thank you for letting me help. And for listening to me, even when I have a hard time explaining something."

She pauses as she pulls back, "Of course Baby Girl, I value your opinion. Your thoughts. I value you in every way. So what if it takes you a little bit to figure out what ya gotta say, it just means you really put thought into it."

She laces their fingers together, smiling at the sharp contrast as she squeezes her hand.

"I know I can't tell you not to worry," Deez says as she rubs a finger across the tip of her nail, "but can I tell you to try?"

She snorts, "I mean, if you want to." She shakes her head, "but it's probably going to be wasted breath. I'm a leader. It's my job to worry."

"One, you're worth wasted breath."

She smiles.

"And two, your job is to use your resources to the best of their abilities and trust that they'll get the job done."

"It's not lack of trust that has me worrying."

It was magic.

It was guns.

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