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Happy April Fool's Day!!

At least this chapter is no joke, and semi on time. =D

Lots of Love,



She smiles as she pulls the brush through his hair, her fingers following its teeth.

No wonder Dizzy enjoyed her craft so much.

Why her Prince did.

There was something deeply satisfying about helping another feel their best.

And, her smile widens, something she never thought she'd enjoy.

Her father made her brush his hair on occasion-

But, this?

Brushing Harry's hair?

Being able to wash it?

Wash him?

Who'd have thought something so simple could be so heady?

She never would've guessed if given the opportunity she'd be such a-

Well, honesty-

She never thought of having the opportunity.

But here she was.

Basking in brushing another's hair.

"I know ya be ah wantin' ta go go go an' all," Harry's teasing lilt makes her smile, "But, I be thoroughly enjoyin' both givin' an' gettin' attention like this, so-" he shifts just enough to turn back to her, one hand lightly pulling the battered brush from her hand, "Thank you. For lettin' me have this."

"I-" She bites her lip as her empty hands fall to her lap, "I'm sorry I was so intent, and ignorant, that I'd try to take something so cathartic from you. Any of you." Heat floods her cheeks at the admission.


It had been so foolish.



Why wouldn't they want to bask?

Appreciate the impossible?

"It feels so necessary, like confirmation that all of you being okay is real. Thank you for showing me that."

"Feelin' ya safe in me arms do be ah fuckin' releif." Harry nods in agreement as one hand travels down the somewhat clean black hoodie she'd pulled from T's stash in their cabin.

Her eyes dart to the outfit Harry had gathered for her, but pulls them back to Harry before the pout could form.

It was killing her not to wear it.

But- Until the ring of bruises around their throat healed-

She would deal with T's poor choice in clothing.

She smiles as he cups her cheek, pulling her back into the moment with him.

"Ain'nah none o' us know rightly what ta be doin' right now, but we be figurin' it out together an' then makin' it work," Harry explains in a whisper as he leans in to press his lips to her's, "also together."


Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but-

"Aye." She whispers in return. "I'll do my best to remember that."

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