Letters to a Muse

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Hiya Readers,

Dark here. Sorry that I haven't been part of the publishing in... forever, but yay, I'm still alive.

Twisted and I both want to apologize for being inconsistent in posting, so to make up for it, we have four chapters for you.

Merry Christmas and Happy all the things!

Lots of Love,



She stares at the table as Gil sits and settles her in his lap.

"Well, that were bein'-" Harry shakes his head as he closes the door against the rain.

Their first spoken words since leaving the cove.

"Yeah," Gil agrees with a sigh.

"How ya doin', Baby Girl?" Uma's hand crosses her vision before she feels her fingers at her chin, "talk to us, please?"

"I'm so angry I'm scared to talk." She admits softly.

"Want me to let you up?" Gil asks hesitantly.

She turns to him in a panic, already trying to pull away, "are you afraid I'll burn you?"

"What?" Gil pulls back in surprise, "no! I jus' don't always like bein' touched when I'm mad."

"Right." She shakes her head, guilty that she'd jumped to conclusions so soon after he'd put so much faith in her, 'um, no. I think this helps."

"Oh, well if that's the case," he smiles before she finds herself secured to his chest.

She takes a deep breath with her nose pressed to his shirt, wishing she could calm the pounding in her chest.

The boiling in her veins.

"Is this really not a new ability?" She asks before she pushes back just enough to look for Faustina.

Harry and Uma share a glance.

"I don't think so, no." Faustina offers as she meets her eyes, "I just couldn't rule it out."

She stares at her for so long her eyes burn.

This wasn't a new power.

That was all she could hear.

She'd been so scared.

Having that power would have cost her everything until she understood how to control it.

She never would have forgiven herself if she'd used it, even by accident.

And how many times had she wished she could see what her family was thinking?

Understand what they were trying to hide from her.


When it came down to it, she didn't trust that she wouldn't use it.

And that hurt more than she wanted to admit.

"Treasure," Gil kisses her temple, "you ain't breathing."

She takes a deep breath automatically before she hugs Gil, practically burrowing against him to hide her tears.

She did not deserve his faith in her.

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