You smell like home

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"Why are you copying me ?

"No you copying me !!"

Hazin and Miran two young but handsome boys were fighting at the hall way after coming back from the school looking for their mother.

"You guys started again?"

"Asalamualalikum mumma!!!!!" Both kids simultaneously screamed and ran towards their mother to give her the hug of the day.

"Walaikumasalam, oh my god what just happens to your shirts I just took it out from dryer last night".

"Mumma it's hazin he pushed me complained the older son Miran"

"Mumma no Miran is lying I didn't do anything he slipped and I actually helped him"

"I wish at least one of you was a sensible little girl!!!, you two will make me go mad before I reach 40".

"Now who is making you old my love".

Sana looks at her husband coming from his continuous night shifts who looks soo drained but puts up smile the moment he is around her or their son's


"Ohh my champions, are you troubling my wife again?" Arafath picks up his 5 year olds and strains as his back hurts but doesn't let their kids down but doesn't go unnoticed by Sana.

"Okay now come on lunch is ready you guys go and fresh and up and if I hear a little noise I will ground you in different rooms and lock it".

Thought the twins fight but can't stay away from each other listening their mum would put them in different rooms they ran into their room and changed without any noise.

"You look tired !!"

"Not really!!"

"You are head of cardiac surgery department do you have to be there for every surgery?"

"No but I have to monitor had to be their for my team and young students who are learning and preparing to be best doctors I can't slack when they work"

"Aww I just love you more when you talk so passionately about your work you make me feel butterflies for you?"

"Do you want me to catch them"? Saying this Arafath picks Sana who has lost weight but is still has curves at right places as her husband likes them.

"Hmmmm you taste good"

They are kissing so intensely only to be interrupted by their little minions and Arafath just drops Sana on the bed without even thinking.

"Arafath!!!!! Are you mad?"



"Were you guys fighting ?"

"What ,no" both the parents said simultaneously.

"Then why is mumma calling you mad ?"

"Cause I wanted to have ice cream, so mumma is scolding me now come on before mumma scolds me more let's go have lunch"

After lunch the family went out to take a stroll in the park and had candy floss spent some good family time and had dinner out and came back tired and worn out.

Both kids slept on their way back as they were tired Sana and Arafath carried each and made their kids sleep stayed their to make sure that they are slept soundly and switched on the baby monitor and left to wind up before going into bed.

"You still smell so good" Arafath hugs Sana as she is undressing.

"So do you!!"

"You smell like vanilla and all things good" Arafath kisses her shoulder while slowly helps her getting undressed.

Sana turns around letting her clothes fall down hugs her husband and says "you smell like Home"

And they help each other to undress and fall in the bed to make love to each other in the last 7 years their relationship has grown a lot they became cousins to fiancée then wife and husband and then parents but with their each milestone their love kept increasing they kept falling for each other.

The birth of Miran and Hazin just gave them the missing puzzle completing the family.

After the pleasure filled moment they looked into each other's eyes and kissed which was slow and passionate.

Sana broke the kiss and said "thank you for being the person to me everything I can ever ask for , you have been my friend my pillar my partner in true sense and you are an amazing father."

"So are you my love you are a truly beautiful and amazing mother my babies could ever have"

"I wanna tell you something Arafath!!!!"

He looks at her and nods his head asking her to tell.

She sternly looks into his eyes and says "I think I fell in love!!"

"Fell in love ? With me ?"


That's all it took Arafath to spring up and sit,
"What do you mean?"

"Who did fall in love with?"

"Am sorry, I just couldn't help the feeling was so strong and pure I just had to give in!!!"

"Are you even listening to what you are saying"?

"Please calm down don't shout kids will hear"
He calmed when she mentioned kids.

"Who is it ?"

"I will show you?" Saying this she gets out of bed

"What you have picture of him in closet now". He follows her into their walking closet.

"Well I don't know if it's not him it's her" saying this Sana gives him the picture of Sonography where a small human like formation is taking place.

"What the fuck Sana you scared me for a second".

"Wait this when did this happen ?"

"Ask yourself!! You can't just keep your hands off of me when we went of vacation last time"

"That was 4 months ago!!, so you are..."

"Yes am almost 3.5 months pregnant, I had my doubts as I was craving weird stuff these days so got tested but wanted to be sure so I went to doctors and she said my pregnancy is well stabilised and we are having a daughter."

"Oh my god are you serious baby!!!"

"Am having a daughter a little princess??"

"Yes!!! And you can spoil her all you want!!"

"Thank you Sana!!!! After boys this is the best gift you ever gave me and first one is still your kiss to me".

Their happiness knows no bound.

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