Getting pregnant easy??

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"Hey Armaan when did you come"? Sana asks as she comes back from work and finds Armaan sitting in the living room.

"Hi bhabhi, I came a while ago I had an off after night shift"

"Oh yeah Arafath told that you both are on same rooster, how's that going ?"

"Things are always rough bhabhi sometimes good sometimes it's tough as a rock"

"I can see that on my husband's face anyways, do you wanna eat or drink something?"

"No bhabhi I already had the lunch you made for Arafath!"

"That's great but am still gonna prepare tea and snacks"

"Well I can never say no to homemade food and I might as well tell you that I am also here to tell you that you are invited to my engagement party followed by all the ceremonies that are going to take place for me to get married".

"Well Arafath already told me speaking of which where is my husband?"

"Oh he is in shower we were thinking of going out tonight he was getting ready".

"I see great!!! do you mind staying here by yourself I will just be back" saying this Sana goes into her bedroom just to find Arafath dressing up.

"Asalamualaikum, habibi when did you come and did you meet Armaan in the living room".

"Walaikumasalam am a decent host Arafath so obviously I will greet him but that's not the point here"

"Okay!!! What is it that you wanna talk about?"

"You are going out?and you didn't bother informing me".

"No ways am going out without informing you I am going out but was also going to  inform you once you come back from work babe trust me".Arafath looks at her thinking she might think he is giving very lame excuse.

"You want me to believe it?"
"Well it's up to you?, but trust me I was going to inform  you once you are back"

"What if I say No"
"Well.... Then that would be a No", Arafath said reluctantly and smiled at her.

"Don't smile at me like that, when you know that works on me everytime."Sana shakes her head and starts walking out of the room.
"Just make sure you come back soon no late night,you know I don't like staying alone".

"Sure baby and thank you". Arafath hugs her from behind and kisses on her forehead.

"Okay now come out for some tea and snacks."

After tea Arafath and Armaan go out to meet few other friends and Sana decides to stop by Jenny's.

"Do you think I am pregnant for very long ?"

"Jenny it's 9 months and you are already in 9th month".

"Yeah but I feel like this baby doesn't wanna come out".

"Once he comes out you might as well feel like putting him back again?"

"Don't scare me and am already scared about baby part".

"Children are sweet but can be trouble sometimes trust me I see them at work everyday"

"You did a course on child psychology right"?

"Yes mam and that's the reason why I got the job in the first place,people here do care a lot about a child's mental health which is great".

"You children are going to be lucky you see".

"Hahah in sha Allah"

"Talking about that have you guys planned ?"

"Well about that I don't know my husband seems not so up to the idea of knocking me up so soon".

"Trust me you might need this time to yourself me and David waited for 3 years before we were fully prepared".

"So how did you guys prepare for the pregnancy"

"I mean we were just discussing it we both had jobs and financially we were doing well and just thought maybe be it is a good timing we were just talking and went to party and one drunk night did the deed boom and am pregnant."

"Is it that easy ?"

"Sana it's getting pregnant not rocket science and we all know by now how to get pregnant".

"Yeah true well might not be easy for everyone you see".

"What?meaning ?"

"Well nothing and tell me do you feel like eating anything, I make it for you!!!"

"it's been ages I have had wine, I want to have wine".

"Well that is something I can't help with".

As these two were having conversation, David comes back and after a while Sana bids the couple bye and comes to her home which is now empty but there is a lingering scent of the cologne which her husband uses and she is obsessed with his smell.

She was cleaning up her wardrobe and her phone rings with an unfamiliar but local number.

"Who is calling me and it's a London number ?"

"Hello Asalamualaikum!"

"Walaikumasalam, you still greet everyone with Salam not knowing who is on the other side"

For a moment Sana stills not being able to register the person talking to her can be here!!!

"What's up??,too shocked to talk?"

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