I love you in Plus Size

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"Do you love me"

Sana looks at her husband with skeptical gaze as she is sitting on couch and using her tummy as a table to place bowl of snacks.

"Are we really doing this? Again?"
Arafath answers looking at her helplessly,
"In last 8 months I have done nothing but answer your question verbally as well as through my actions Sana can you please spare me now".

"So you don't even want to answer me now ?"

"For godsake baby please I can't hold my temper any longer ask me anything else apart from this question"

"Fine I get that now I look like whale not just whale a whale who is pregnant, you might not feel attracted to me anymore"

Sana stuffs her self with snack while continuing to cry.

"Uffff.... Sana enough is enough you are being obsessed with this now, you are pregnant and it's common for you to put on weight and you are pregnant with twins and trust me everytime I look at you I see a woman who has sacrificed her body her health and her everything just to carry our babies to nurture them and make them healthy, now how in the world do you think I will not love you, in fact I love you a little more everyday, I love you baby a little more than yesterday and a little less than tomorrow and I will love you even in your Plus size and will love when your hair turns grey and wrinkly and will love in this world and also in Here after, I will love you forever and ever my Love"

As Sana heard Arafath expressing her love to her she can't help but cry more with each word.

"Oh my God please stop I don't think so I can handle any more sweetness or love and thank you for loving me at my worst and also at my best, I always thank my lord for giving me you, and thanks for dealing with my growing insecurities, crappy hormones and always making sure am assured of the love, I love you husband for ever and ever."

Arafath moves closer to her and hugs her only for him to be pushed again.

"What the hell what was that's for?"

"Ahhhhhhhhh oh my god , I have been feeling contractions but didn't knew this would turn bad this soon" Sana says clutching her belly.

"Baby are you sure? Cause there is still 3 weeks for due"

"Do you think it's time for me to prank you ?, it's fucking 12:00 in the night"

"Okay I will wake mum and Ammi up and will get your hospital bag just wait for few minutes baby please hold on"

"Stop taking and start moving Arafath I will kill you if you don't come soon"

At hospital

"Ahhhhhhh ammi please ask them to give me something I can't tolerate this pain"

Beta just for a while everything will be alright.both mothers were reciting prayers and were blowing on her and her tummy while Arafath was tensed and walking all through the corridor.

"Mummy where is Arafath I want him to be by my side, please call him"
Sana asks her mother in law with lot of distress.

"I will call him beta you be brave okay!!"

Famiha goes in search of Arafath only to find him sitting on chair and reciting QURAN .

"Arafath beta she needs you now, I will complete the recitation please go by her"

"Ammi I can't see her in the pain she looks so much in pain and I can't even help her"

"Oh ho how I wish your dad was this considerate but come on beta it's time for you to Stay by her side and be her support she needs you now more than ever".

Arafath enters the room only to see his wife crying in pain.

"Hey baby!!!! Come on you are the brave mummy you need to be strong for the babies and stop crying i can't see you like this"

"Where did you go and stop giving me this long speeches, I need you Arafath please be by my side don't leave me, me and babies need you. Please Ahhhhhh I can't hold on to this pain anymore please ask them to perform a c- section"

"Are you sure I would want that as well, we can just get over with the pain".

As they are discussing a doctor comes in to check Sana's cervix.

"Hey momma!! All set to deliver ?,"

"Doctor they are twins can't I just deliver via c-section?"

"Mrs. Arafath, listen dear you are dilating well and it is possible to deliver vaginally we will try and if it doesn't happen we have OT ready for you now come on let's check in your cervix"

"Breathe while I insert fingers, well looks like you are almost ready you are 10 cms dilated lets get you prepped"

"Ahhhhhhhh, Allah help me"

"Push Sana push"

"I can see head coming come on push when i ask you"


A loud crying was heard with in few minutes of Sana into labour room where with in three minutes another loud crying was held

"Congratulations!!!! It's Boys!!!!"

Children were placed on her chest for immediate skin to skin contact.

"Alhamdulillah, Ma sha Allah they are so beautiful"

Post delivery  Sana and babies were checked and announced healthy and was shifted into her room for After care.

Through out the process Arafath never once left her side he didn't even pay attention to his babies he was just looking at his wife making sure she is fine and not feeling any discomfort.

"I love you my Sherni!!!"Arafath kissed her lips not thinking her tired avataar.

"I love you my baby daddy" Sana winked at her husband and kissed him back just to be interrupted by two little cries seeking attention from their mother.

"I think we just birthed our romance killers" Arafath looked at his son's who are just born and already messing up his romance.

Each picked one baby to calm them down and looked at each other with content feeling their family has now become complete.

"I could never ask something better than this" Sana looked at Arafath and spoke in her ear softly thank you for holding me when I was falling and thank you for supporting me through and through I love you to the moon and back.

The story of Sana and Arafath finally came to an happy ending and there will be a small epilogue as well please vote and show me your support and love dear readers.

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