Settling down

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It took them 2 weeks to get settled down  and Arafath to start his work in his new hospital and Sana made sure to familiarise herself with the surroundings while he was away for work and she went into the homemaker mode making sure her home is decorated beautifully.

"Asalamualaikum, how are you sweetheart"?
"Walaikumasalam, Alhamdulillah am good how was your day?" Sana asked welcoming her husband with tight hug into the home.

"Well it was hectic I had two angiograms and 2 angioplasties and rest I also had see OPD today, it went well"

"And it's going to be more good now, ta da I made biryaani for you" Sana excitedly showed him to the dinning  room.

"Amazing just what I was craving for,give me 15 minutes I will be back after getting fresh and up".Arafath kissed her forehead and went Into the bedroom.

"Well I didn't knew you can cook this well, it's amazing baby"Arafath was thoroughly enjoying his food.

"Am so glad that you like it, I was a bit skeptical about making it for you"

After dinner they proceeded to watch movies In the living room.

"Which one do you wanna watch ?"
"Anything would do, something funny or romantic".
"Okay then get the green tea and will get blankets". Sana rushes to change into something comfortable but as she opens the wardrobe her eyes follow on the night dress gifted by her cousins.

"Should I wear this" Sana starts contemplating on wearing the sexy night as it's a weekend and she has been preparing herself a lot for this night from the time they have reached London.

"Sana what do you wanna watch?, and what's taking you this long", Arafath's mouth drop open seeing her standing by the door in a very sexy nightdress that leaves nothing to imagination.

"This isn't really my style Shibra and Neha got it for me" Sana tries to hide herself pulling night gown down and uses her hands to cover her chest.

"And it is totally suiting you, habibi (my love) you look amazing and oh my god only if I didn't  have to wake up early tomorrow" said Arafath with a sigh.

"What tomorrow?"
" I just got paged about a surgery, one of my patients reports came in and they aren't good, so we have to operate on him tomorrow,I have to be there early as it's scheduled at 6:00 in the morning" Arafath explained walking towards Sana and pulling her towards him.

"Ohh no worries there is always a next time you see" Sana smiled and hugged him back but internally she felt a little bit disappointed she finally mustered up the courage to initiate only to be let down but again it's the downside of being married to a doctor.

By the time Sana woke up Arafath has already left to the work and left a cute little note saying
"Next time we will make sure to put that nighty to a good use, I promise you on that and am sorry for letting you down, you looked amazing last night it was hard to control but I will make sure to make it up to you <3 <3"

Sana couldn't stop herself from smiling cause that note made her whole day, and she can't wait to experience the real bliss of married life

Hey dear readers, am very skeptical about writing intimate scenes do let me know if we would like to have mature content or just simple under 18 content

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