Formal meetup

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Arafath's POV
The moment I lied my eyes on her she looked like sunflower,but the difference here being my eyes were following her everywhere she is moving it just magnetically being pulled towards her.
I have had enough encounters with woman in my life never anyone has captured my eyes the way she did.
The way she carries herself elegantly, the poise, the confidence, it's just impossible not to notice her when she is in the room.
With all the hustle bustle in the room the only thing am focused on is her.
My sister Was hugging her bombarding her with the questions that are very much unnecessary and finally someone spoke about letting us speak alone but with someone guarding the door of the balcony.
As we entered the balcony it had this very cute looking corner with pots of plants and fairy lights which were lit and the evening view of the city looked beautiful.
There was a sofa on which I was asked to sit.

They sent me first followed by Sana who came with a tray of starters

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They sent me first followed by Sana who came with a tray of starters.
"Asalamualaikum" she greeted her voice was the pleasant voice which provides peace.
"Walaikumasalam" please sit.
"Thank you".
We were quiet for a while when she spoke, "would like to try kebabs??"
I was like yeah sure,did you make it?
I am sure I heard "you wish", which she immediately flipped to an innocent NO.
"Were you forced to come here?"
I was dumbfounded when she asked me that question but before she misunderstood me I clarified saying, No they didn't it was my wish.
"So you are fine with this arrangement?"
I like how she is trying to engage the conversation without making it feel awkward!
Well I wasn't until I saw you!!
I shouldn't have said it, kill me now cause she was looking as if I said something unbelievable statement.
Then she gave a subtle nod with a hint of smile on her lips.
What about you?
These are my favourite kebabs and I don't share with anyone unless I really like them saying this she served me the kebabs, I know there were enough kebabs for both of us but her saying that is like acknowledging that she is into this relationship.
But am not going to say yes unless you promise to tell me "why did you hate me as a kid?"
I was flabbergasted when she mentioned that!!!
I know that this will come up I have been wanting to tell her am sorry but never found the time, but now it looks as if am telling just for the sake of it.
Well to be frank I don't know may be I was a bully and did same to other kids as well just that you took it hard. That's a lie cause I can't tell her the truth.
The truth is she was always a happy child everyone loved her, intelligent, cute, and somewhere she started taking my spot  but again I didn't hate her, I hated that I like her too so the only way of me showing her that was to bully her and I don't want to confess this to her and have her laugh it on my face so it's better to lie in this scenario.
I am sure she didn't believe my words but she ended up nodding.
She asked me about my expectations regarding this marriage.
"I am looking for someone who can help me get closer to my Deen (religion), trust me and someone who can walk alongside me in the journey of life and hereafter, some one who is mature enough to handle the hurdles along with me that life throws us at, someone who can will help me in creating this happy family I have ever dreamed of.
"That's about my idea and expectation what about yours?"
"Is there anything specific that you are looking for in your life partner?"

I like her point of view and her ideas of life partner resonates with mine but only problem here is am bad with trust issues with what happens in the past I want to tell her about my past but what if she thinks that am implying about she might turn into my ex I just want an assurance. But I also don't want to lose her I think she fits with me.
And as Mom said everything might just be happening as it's suppose to.

Picture credit Pinterest
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