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Arafath POV
I am not coming to weddings where I don't know people .
I was arguing with my parents who wants to drag me to one of my cousins wedding whom I haven't met after leaving India.
I have seen her may be in my early childhood I might have even played with her but I have no recollection of her at all.
I feel like I have spent all my life in London,and now out of no where my parents want to move to India cause they feel they are more connected to their roots and would like to spend rest of their lives around their loved ones.
"Bubblu just listen to them it's not like they are asking something you can't give it's just a wedding". Faiza my sister she has been married with two children a girl and a boy who are respectively 5 and 2 years old if not for them I don't mind kicking her back to her husband's place. I might not like their mother but these two are breath of fresh air in my life, Faiza is happily married and equally home sick she doesn't spend one minute once vacation starts just rushes home to be with us I love her but sometimes she can be the pain I wanna get rid off.
Faiza if you are so interested go by yourself! But I am not going to this drama spare me.
After three days of relentless arguments I decided to board the plane for the sake of my mum she is someone who can persuade me to even murder someone but she will not. Growing up both of my parents were working but made sure we have everything we ever needed including their attention.
I have been fake smiling since morning am tired of it I can't take it anymore and the thing of Indian weddings and a person in medical field you get free consultations and I have been official appointed as family doctor here the moment I came in.
I was so caught up with meeting people but also I had few nice memories come up after meeting this people I know it's been long but once I met them it's like I know them my whole life the cousins the playmates and the fun we had when kids all the memories came rushing through and it just felt right being here.
We were all just sitting and enjoying the function that's when I saw her I don't know her name but she was running here and there as if she is the wedding planner or something rushing people to get things done commanding kids to do this and that I was fascinated on how she was so easy with people around her and everyone seems to enjoy having her around.
She was all the things a wedding house needed she is CHAOS.
It was a sangeet night where people were performing I didn't know people here would follow all these trends I was just enjoying when I saw the girl just falling to the ground and a doctor in me couldn't just delay sitting around so I just rushed to her helped her check her pulse she had very low pulse mostly cause of low sugars and electrolytes looks like she hasn't been eating.
I thought she might be starving herself cause of the weight or something so I asked her to eat something before she passes out again.
I know I was there with her only for few minutes but amidst all that chaos she smelled like freshly baked cupcake her eyes were this light brown her skin wheatish and soft she didn't apply lot of make up like the other girls I have seen. I could see her a small mole beside her nose and one beneath her chin which was beautiful.
That's all I don't want to think about her she was some random girl in the wedding and after what happend last time I am not ever getting involved with any girl again.
They look all nice and poise only to destroy what you have for them.
She did a number on me and am not letting another one to have fun with me again.
Women are not to be trusted.

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