Is it positive?

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Late for what?

"Arafath are you serious or you just pushing my buttons".

"Baby you were just standing here looking at your phone and you say am late, what are you even late for? Today is your off isn't it".

"How did you become a doctor ?"
Sana looks at him and turn around with irritation in her voice.

"Arafath am late which means I haven't got my periods yet".

That's when Arafath's grogginess leaves his body and turns with shock and looks at his wife.

"You are pregnant?"

"Shhhh no I don't know am just a week late".

"But Sana don't you have PCOS which delays your periods".

"Yeah but from the time I came to London it has always been on point i was never late"

Arafath just stands there staring at her tummy.

"You don't look happy with the idea of me being pregnant".

"What ? No baby nothing like that it's just that it's too much for me to take in right at the moment".

Arafath holds Sana by shoulder and asks "so what do you want me to do?"

"Get me a home pregnancy test based on that we will decide, I just don't want to have high hopes".

"Sure thing I will get when am coming back from work okay?"

"Yeah sure and don't mention anything to anyone  please till we are sure".

Whole days passes in a daze for both Sana and Arafath as they are still trying to contemplate the idea of being pregnant.

"Asalamualaikum ammi"

"Walaikumasalam beta you are back early today?"

"Yeah I had few consults with no surgeries today so was free to come by, by the way where is Sana".

"Oh she just went to shower I guess, she was making Biryaani"

"Yummy!!! I will just go get changed."

Arafath goes to his room to find Sana drying her hair In daze and hugs her from behind.

"What's keeping you occupied Begum saheba!!!!"

"Oh you are back!!!did you bring the test?"

"Oh yes I did!!! You don't even have any interest in asking about me".

"Arafath please you know how important this is!!"

"Ahh okay mam, come on let's get you tested".

"Isn't it better to wait till the morning I have heard morning is more accurate."

"Well it's nothing as such, but still if you think so we can wait till morning,okay sweet heart!!"


"Now please correct your mood if you don't want to be interrogated by the squad outside"

Whole family has dinner and winds up for the night but Sana stays awake while night waiting for the morning with a little hope inside her heart as she has been told by the doctors it will be tough for her to conceive given her hormonal condition.

Before she knows sleeps takes over her but with in 3 hrs alarm rings to indicate that it's 5:00 am in the morning already

Sana wakes up like a spring and rushes to washroom in the process waking up her sleepy husband, she locks the door and does the test while setting the timing for 5 minutes.

"Sana!!! Sweet heart open the door".

"It's been five minutes already please open the door honey"

Sana opens the door with tears streaming down her face which breaks arafath's hearts looking at his wife like this.

"Honey!!! It's fine if it didn't happen, it's not end of the world"

"We didn't try for it and we just assumed so it's totally fine don't get disheartened okay!!"

While sobbing uncontrollably Sana raises her head and looks at her husband pulling him into a deep kiss


"Arafath it's positive the test is positive we are going to be parents"

Arafath stands there with his mouth open and eyes dazed till he realises that his wife is jumping up and down after knowing she is pregnant.

"Sana!!! Calm down you can't be jumping like this, oh my god baby we are going to have a baby".

They both hug each other and are in ecstasy and decided to inform their family only after their ultrasound

Arafath booked an appointment for her ultrasound which they got it after three days, it was hard for them to conceal their joy around their family members but some how they managed it.

"Mrs. Sana it's your turn!" A nurse called her out for the ultrasound.

"Hello!! How are you guys doing?"

"We are good thank you for asking doctor"

"Well Dr.Arafath is a very good friend of mine from cardiac department and am happy for you guys, now come on lay down let's have a look at the bun in the oven".

"This might feel a bit cold". Saying this the doctor applied sonography's gel on Sana's tummy while sana and Arafath were holding hands as if their dear life depended on it.

The machine started it's been 5 minutes but doctor was just running the probe on her belly and had very weird expression.

"Is everything fine Dr.James?" Arafath asks holding Sana's hand.

"Are you sure your test was positive?"

"Yes I have it with me on my bag" Sana answers hastily.

"Am sorry but there is no trace of embryo in the uterus"

"It's false positive Dr. Arafath, am extremely sorry"

Doctor passes and tissues and moves out to give them a bit of privacy to digest the news.

Sana had her heart broken due to different circumstances in her life but never did she feel the kind of pain that she is feeling now.

She looked at Arafath with eyes glazing with hot tears.
Arafath don't know how to console her.

"Why me ?, why did this happen to me"?

"Why give me hope when it can't be fulfilled".

"How can I mourn the loss of someone who was never there to start with Arafath".

"How!!!!, am I that incapable".

"Am I not worthy to be a mother, why did Allah show me hope and took it away?"

"Baby listen shhhh I know it's hard, there is good in everything Sana, Allah knows the best may be we are not prepared to be parents".

"May be life has better plans for us and trust me it's not like end of world we have lot of time and this was accidental false positive we weren't even trying, from now on we will try for the baby okay!!!"

"Now please calm down, come let's get you home, everyone is waiting"

"It's good we didn't tell them I wouldn't want to crush their hopes".

Through out the journey Sana was silent as if she has lost something precious and she kept stroking her tummy, looking at this Arafath was disheartened as even he was excited about this new journey in their life.

Thank you everyone for liking and appreciating the novel.
There have been people who commented and voted which gave me motivation to write better
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