Cravings and Emotions

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"I was thinking let's not tell family!"

"What why?" Arafath asks looking at his wife sitting on the couch with her legs in his lap.

"Let's wait till the next scan and once the report is clear we can tell them, if not what if something happens while scanning and ....."

"Baby you're overthinking!"

"I know Arafath, But I don't want to flaunt my blessings, Have you heard the concept of evil eye and that too we are expecting twins"

"and since when do you believe it?"

"I Have always believed it so lets just keep it a secret".

"Okay!!As you say Mam"

After 2 Weeks

"The reports are here Mr&Mrs Arafath, and congratulations the twins are looking good and NT Level is also good, but Mrs. Shaik, I Want you to know that you are carrying twins! given the history of PCOS, the chances of getting diabetes is quite high and also in twin pregnancies we have to be careful with the length of the Cervix as well."

"Sorry! I didn't understand it doctor!"

"In terms of Twin pregnancies' we can Expect premature labor so we have to be careful and stitch up your cervix if needed so we will wait for you 20 weeks scan and will see if it is needed or not!"

"But till then you have to be careful with movements and no sex is advised "

Sana blushes as Arafath keeps looking at her.

"Thank you doctor we will take your leave"

They come out of clinic laughing their asses off.

"Oh My God!! Arafath I cant believe you kept staring at me like that?, she might think we cant keep our hands to ourselves"

"Well isn't that true wifey!! I really can't keep my hands off of you"

But Sana was just not In a mood for romance currently

"Do you know where can we get plums?"


"Plums now its still May they will not be available till late June or early July, But why are asking?"

"I feel Like eating plums now, remember last year we had so many that we weren't able to finish I think we should have saved it"

"Sana I don't think so we can get plums anywhere now"

"Are you serious Arafath? your wife is pregnant with your twins and its the first ever craving that I have had in first three months and all you can say is No"

"Sweetheart are you kidding me i never said No, You know what lets go home and i will try getting plum for you even if I Have to Import"

After dropping Sana home Arafath left to his work and when he cam back home he came with basket full of plums.

"Oh My !! how did you find them ?"

"It was your first wish and craving how can I not fulfill my Love, One of my collegues grandma stays in the country side and she has a plum tree in her yard, the moment she heard that it's a craving of an young Mommy to be, she asked me to drop by, and she had few frozen from last year and I picked it up"

"hmmmmm ufff I Feel like I Can eat this whole day and not get tired of"

"oh My God slow down, breathe and eat you are going to choke on it"

After having 10-12 plums Sana laid there while her husband is preparing the dinner

"So what did you think about telling family?"

"well lets wait till  I start showing and we will video call them surprise what say?"

"That does sound interesting  "

"But I don't think we have to wait a lot for me to start showing as I already feel that my tummy is growing from past 2 weeks"

Sana looks at her husband and slowly caresses her belly.

"Can I Ask you something ?"

"Yeah sure baby!!"

"When you said you don't want babies was it true?, Cause from the time we got to know about pregnancy you are nothing but beaming with happiness!!, then how could I believe when you said that you don't want baby"

Arafath sits beside her and pulls her into hug.

"I did mean when I Said that I Don't want babies, because the desperation for child was taking you away from Me"

"But now its different As I Said Having you as my wife is my biggest flex but having baby with is like a Bonus to  me, no matter how many babies we have, you are always going to be my first priority, cause that much how I Love You"

"Why would you make me your priority why not my babies" Sana starts crying and starts pushing Arafath away.

"baby what!! why are you pushing me I meant that you matter to me a lot than our kids"

"So you will not love them?

"it isn't like that Sana, I will love them, in fact I already love them"

"And guess what if its daughter then I might love her more than my life"

"Aren't you a fickle mind person just minutes ago you were saying that you would love me more than our kids and now you said that you would love our daughter more than your life which indirectly means I am not your life"

Arafath look for a desperate help as he is unable to comprehend what is wrong with his wife one moment she was all cuddly and in next she went crying.

"Baby are you even listening to your self" Arafath suppressed his laugh and tried reasoning with his wife

"I know what am saying doesn't make sense but I Don't know am so happy right now that i could just cry all of it".

"Aww my baby come here" Arafath hugged his wife and was happy that she is finally happy after all the struggle they had to have a baby as it's said when god blesses you he does with abundance and he cant wait to share this joy with his family and people.

Thanks for the love shown, the characters Sana and Arafath are very close to my heart as I have seen these kind of relation ships around me and the struggles a woman faces cause of her health conditions these are all very common now a days,

As the story is coming to an end I Thank every individual who supported me through this journey you votes/comments would always make my day thank you lovely readers.

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