A peek into the Past

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"How are you feeling now?" Arafath slides in to the bed with his wife who is sleeping on a bed in a dark room.

He moves closer to check if she has any temperature only to find her face wet and realise that his wife is crying.

"Sana? Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying ?"
"Is it hurting a lot, do you wanna go to emergency".

Arafath in six months of their marriage has never seen her fall sick apart from period cramps and on and off cold she never had any major discomfort, he was clearly concerned cause of her condition now.

"No, am fine it's just headache is too much and am not good with pain".
Sana tries to wipe her face and stops crying only to hit by another memory of what happens in the ladies room which makes her tears run all through her face without stopping.

"Then I suggest you stop crying baby cause this aggravates the headache and I can't see you crying like this, you are scaring me".
Arafath hugs saying this to her not knowing what to do to comfort her.
Feeling warmth of his hug she feels more sad thinking.
"Does he really like me or did he just resign to his fate and compromised with me?"

"What if it is a compromise and he doesn't love and is still hung up on his ex"

When this thought crosses her mind she just hugs her husband tightly not able to let go of her happiness.she says in a raspy voice.

"I don't want to loose you".

"What?" Arafath didn't understand the context.

"I don't want to loose you but if you are unhappy with me I can't keep you to myself making you miserable."

"Baby for record your voice is damn sexy but trust me I can only understand few words in between your sobs, drink this water and tell me what is bothering you"

Arafath gives her a glass of water,wipes  her face and settles her with pillows behind her and holds her hands looking into her eyes and waiting for her to start the conversation.

"I don't want to loose you!!"

"You aren't loosing me am not going anywhere leaving you".

"Do you want this relation or are you compromising it".

"I don't know what made you think this but baby you know me I am not the kind of person who can be forced to do anything, and same goes for relationships".

"I want to stay with you from the moment I saw you in the yellow lehenga you knocked breath out of me, for first time I felt like you are the one I want to spend time with".

"I was a teenage boy in love all again, I fell harder for you from every moment then on".

"And after Nikha i became yours from that moment I can't thank Allah enough for giving love of my life".

Sana's eyes widens as this is the first time she has ever heard him declare his love for her

"You love me ?"

"Ofcourse I do, what do you think I am doing with you then?"

"Did you love Rumi too".

This time it was Arafath's turn to look with stunned wide eyes at his wife.

"What do you mean ?"

"I heard her talking about you two. You were together for five years, and that you said that she was your ideal type!!"

"Wait did she tell all this to you?"

"No I heard her talking to Rahila in ladies room".

"Chanda listen to me, it's true that I was with her and I thought we loved each other and was going to be soulmates"

Hearing him talk about his Ex made Sana's heart squeeze more and more tears started straining her face.

"Shhh baby listen to me please and don't cry".

"God I should have told you this already never thought that this could hurt you this much, baby now listen to me am gonna bare my truth in front of you".

Flash back

"Rumi where are you?"

"Am in here Arafath, gosh am really sorry I made you run late I had an emergency at hospital".

"Don't worry you look stunning and parents know the situation they will not mind to wait a bit".

"Oh that's going to be very bad, hope your parents like me".

"They will now come on let's move has your parents reached as well"

Arafath asks Rumi while tying his shoe laces.

"Oh yeah they are almost there we are the ones who are running late"

"Ohh I can't believe our parents are meeting and things can move forward".
Arafath says hugging Rumi.

"Me too, come now let's go, thanks for picking me up I don't know how I would have commuted"

"Well I am always at your service mam"

With 30 minutes they reach the venue.

Families met and were happy with the fact  that their children are happy together.

Before Arafath organised this dinner he has asked their parents permission to propose her after dinner.

Through out the dinner Rumi's phone was ringing constantly when asked she brushed it off saying her friends calling her to ask the deets.

"Excuse me I will come back need to use ladies room", saying this Rumi left.

So aunty uncle thanks for the permission and I hope she likes the ring.

"Oh beta though we have lived in London for a lifetime we still have our core values and you asking permission helped us to know the better you!"

"So when are you proposing her?"

Arafath's mum asks eyeing him affectionately.

"The ring is in her cake"

"That's so cliche bubblu" Faiza laughs off.

"By the way where is she, you know what I will go and see it's been longer that she has gone".

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