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Chapter 331 Cao Yujiao's Visit Chapter 331 Cao Yujiao's Visit
"Oh, it's getting late, time to rest." After Chen Niannian said this, she hung up the phone angrily. It was so annoying. What she meant was to ask whether she wanted to meet before school started.

This is clearly a question, not an affirmative sentence! Why did he agree so readily?
Just after Chen Niannian hung up the phone in a frustrated mood, Yue Jiaoyang felt a little confused on the other end of the phone. He felt that Chen Niannian seemed angry, but he didn't say anything wrong.

Yue Jiaoyang thought about the conversation between the two of them again, no problem.
Finally, he couldn't figure out why, so after washing up, he lay on the bed and continued thinking, and then fell asleep while thinking.
Yue Mingyuan still had a few friends in Beijing. Although they could not support him financially, they gave him great help in selling jewelry, finding land, and rebuilding factories. Through this incident, Yue Mingyuan became more calm and introverted, and he also saw the people around him clearly.

"Old Zhao, thanks to you this time, otherwise it would be really hard for me to get through this difficult time." Yue Mingyuan took over the final payment from the sale of the last batch of jewelry, feeling very emotional.

This Old Zhao was none other than Zhao Lin, who had been driving for him.

It was this old friend who was usually unknown, but when he encountered difficulties, he responded to his request for help without saying anything and just did it.

"Look at what you said. Didn't you help me when I was in trouble? Let's not talk about this anymore. It's been hard for you. You should get enough rest. We are both at this age and we have to start all over again. It's really hard for you." Zhao Lin sighed.

"Don't worry, I can still fight for a few more years with my old bones. When the factory is well established and on the right track, I will definitely come to see you again. I'm leaving now."

"I will wait for you."

Yue Mingyuan left the alley entrance, the light went out, and when he heard the door close, his heart warmed up. Yes, he would definitely try his best, because there were still people who trusted him behind him, and he couldn't let them down.

Yue Mingzhou was not having a good time at this time. Since he took over the garment factory, many of the salesmen, managers, designers and some workers in the factory had seen their boss replaced without a word. The new boss looked like a dandy young man who knew nothing and just gave orders blindly.

Those who had some abilities submitted their resignations one after another for a better future. Those who remained were people who had no outstanding abilities and stayed just to make a living. These people could not do anything at all.

Seeing so many people resign, Yue Mingzhou also became ruthless. Not only did he not settle the wages of those who resigned, he also asked them to compensate for the company's losses. As a result, everyone complained when they mentioned him, and they were all discussing the good points of Yue Mingyuan in private.

Yue Mingzhou was determined to make the garment factory better than Yue Mingyuan's, so under the guidance of the military advisor that Cheng Ying specially found for him, he spent a lot of money to hire a few well-known designers. He also expanded the scale of the factory, increased wages and benefits, and attracted a group of people to apply.

At this time, those who did not leave began to feel lucky that they did not leave, otherwise where could they find such good salary and benefits?

Then they laugh at those who left, thinking they deserved it, and that this is the result of being unfaithful.

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