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Chapter 61 Military Training Chapter 61 Military Training
At this time, a soldier in the middle stepped out, holding a loudspeaker and spoke loudly: "Students, please be quiet and listen to me now." He shouted three times before the huge playground slowly quieted down.

"From today on, we will lead the military training for the 300 freshmen. You will be divided into classes. Each class will have 60 students and divided into 5 teams. Each team will have an instructor, and I will be your chief instructor. The training time will start at 6 a.m. every day, with a break from 12 noon to 1 p.m., and start at 2 p.m. and end at 5 p.m.."

"No way, we have to do military training for 9 hours a day!"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll faint."

"Fortunately, our junior high school schedule is to have morning exercises at 5:30 every morning, so I can sleep an extra half an hour!"

The playground, which had been quiet just a moment ago, suddenly became an uproar, with everyone talking and discussing.

"Quiet, look at you guys, you have no organization and no discipline, military training is to correct these bad habits of yours!"

"Class leaders, please take your positions. Military training begins!" Five soldiers each ran to the front of a team and stood in neat military posture.

Then everyone started their speeches and drills, and arranged themselves into formation. After the instructors finished their speeches, it was almost 5 o'clock, so they dispersed and started the formal military training tomorrow.

After the military training, the students were so tired that they went to the cafeteria to get food in groups of three or four.

Chen Niannian pulled Li Mengmeng, and the two of them sneaked out of the school and ran to the stationery store.

Aunt Liu was really busy today. Although this was her first time doing such a job, she had learned very hard in the previous training, and the business model was simple and easy to understand. The students who came to buy stationery had a strong comprehension ability.

So even though there was a constant stream of people coming and going, Aunt Liu didn't feel the slightest bit flustered, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

When Chen Niannian and Li Mengmeng came to the stationery store, they saw such an orderly scene.

It was getting late and the goods were almost sold out. Seeing the two people coming, Chen Wenjing and Aunt Liu simply closed the shop.

"I'm so tired." Li Mengmeng sat down on the ground.

"Get up, get up, the floor is dirty." Aunt Liu quickly brought a stool.

"It's only been a few hours and you're already exhausted. There's still more than ten days to go. You'll be exhausted." Chen Wenjing teased her with a smile.

"Hate it, hurry up and count today's sales." Li Mengmeng urged anxiously as soon as she recovered a little strength, looking like a little money-grubber.

In fact, the four of them were very curious about this, so Chen Wenjing took out a calculator and started clicking away.

After a while, he raised his head with a happy look on his face and said, "After deducting the purchase fee, I made an extra 423 yuan today."

"Wow, today's daily turnover is more than 400 yuan, that's amazing! We will be rich in the future." Li Mengmeng exclaimed.

"Little idiot, this is just the gross profit. We have to deduct the rent and labor costs to make a profit. Also, today happens to be the beginning of the school year, and everyone needs to purchase things, so the products are sold out." Chen Niannian patiently explained to Li Mengmeng.

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