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Chapter 221 Stocks Chapter 221 Stocks
When Mr. Feng saw Chen Niannian coming, he immediately stood up and asked Chen Niannian to sit down, then handed her a glass of water.

"Ms. Chen, you are too polite. I have learned a lot from you these two times. It really benefited me a lot. What good plans do you have this time?"

Ever since Mr. Feng started decorating the house and stationery store for Chen Niannian, Chen Niannian's novel ideas have also extended and expanded his thinking.

He put his knowledge into practice and now his decoration company has become somewhat famous.

"Uncle Feng, I feel embarrassed by your praise. Here, this is the design drawing," Chen Niannian took out the design drawing from her schoolbag, handed it to Engineer Feng, and began to explain.

After half an hour, when Chen Niannian finished expressing her thoughts, Mr. Feng fell into deep thought.

Engineer Feng thought for a long time before speaking: "Miss Chen, we have never tried this before. Nowadays, marble tiles are widely used. I will go and see if I can bring the wooden floor you want back. As for the plumbing and electrical wiring for the suspended ceiling, I will have to ask our master first. You go back first and come back tomorrow, and I will be able to give you an accurate answer."

Chen Niannian also knew the current level of decoration. Since Engineer Feng didn't say anything definite, it meant that he was still capable of doing it. So she could come over tomorrow.

It’s really a headache. There is no floor heating now. It would be so comfortable if it was installed. This money is only enough for basic decoration. The subsequent home appliances and lamps will also cost money. How can I make money quickly?

After saying goodbye to Mr. Feng, Chen Niannian walked aimlessly on the street, hoping to see if there were any business opportunities, and suddenly she saw the stock exchange.

Chen Niannian felt excited. Oh, why did she forget about this?
When Chen Niannian saw the stock exchange, she thought of the stock market. In her previous life, she always heard Liu Geng say that if he had bought a few more stocks back then, his life would not be like this now.

Chen Niannian also asked Liu Geng curiously. Liu Geng was also particularly interested in stocks. He was particularly patient when talking to her about stocks.

Because it was rare for them to have common topics, one of them spoke very carefully and the other listened very attentively.

However, even though Chen Niannian listened very carefully, it was only for the purpose of talking to Liu Geng more. In fact, she did not learn anything.

Although she didn't learn much serious knowledge, Chen Niannian remembered some interesting anecdotes about stocks clearly.

In the early 1990s, the stock market was at its craziest. It was not uncommon for people to become rich overnight and go bankrupt overnight. There were even cases of people jumping off buildings...

There are also many people who do not believe in the stock market and take a wait-and-see attitude, missing out on the opportunity to change their destiny. Liu Geng once lamented that if he had bought XX stock or XX stock, he would have made a fortune!

Out of her love for Liu Geng, Chen Niannian even went to look up the stocks he mentioned, and also looked at a few stocks that had the most explosive power at the time, just to be able to communicate more with Liu Geng.

Previously, Chen Niannian had been busy and had not thought about this matter. Today, when she passed by the Stock Exchange in Shangjing, she suddenly thought of it and naturally could not miss this opportunity.

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