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Chapter 81 Confirming Identity Chapter 81 Confirming Identity
"I'm 15 years old this year. I was born in 1977. My birthday is December 20th. I'm a Sagittarius." Chen Niannian said seriously.

Yue Jiaoyang's handsome eyebrows were tightly furrowed. He just asked about age and didn't ask in such detail. Well, how could this girl tell everything when asked by others?

Yue Jiaoyang felt a little angry, but he didn't know why he was angry. He just felt that Chen Niannian said too much.

"Oh" Yue Jiaoyang stopped talking.

Chen Niannian looked at Yue Jiaoyang's face, which had suddenly turned cold, and turned her head away in confusion, feeling that she had said nothing wrong...

Yue Jiaoyang was also very surprised at his own behavior. He didn't know what he wanted to do. When he calmed down, school was already over in the afternoon.

Today is the weekend again. Yue Jiaoyang went home with his spare clothes, full of thoughts. On the way back, the driver Zhao Lin kept looking at him in the rearview mirror.

"Jiaoyang, you seem to be worried about something?" Zhao Lin finally couldn't help but ask when he saw Yue Jiaoyang frowning again.

“Not really. I just feel like there’s something I don’t quite understand.” Yue Jiaoyang said bewilderedly.

"What's wrong? Tell Uncle Zhao. Even though he's uneducated, he's older than you, so maybe he can help you figure it out."

After listening to Zhao Lin's words, Yue Jiaoyang thought for a moment and said, "If there is a person who should be in the third grade of junior high school, but is now in the first grade of high school, why is that?"

"That's it, it's very simple, he skipped a grade. Let me tell you, my eldest son started school late, but now he is in the same grade as his peers. He is smart and willing to learn, so he skipped a grade in elementary school. Now..." When Zhao Lin talked about his son, it was like a floodgate was opened and he began to talk incessantly.

From the moment Zhao Lin said the word "skipping grades", Yue Jiaoyang's head went blank and he seemed to be unable to hear any sound around him.

The two words "skipping grades" illuminated Yue Jiaoyang's heart like a flash of lightning across the night sky.

Yes, she is so smart, it is not impossible for her to skip a grade. Doesn't she have a twin brother? Why haven't I seen that brother? What grade is he in now?

Yue Jiaoyang only has this last question left in his mind. If it is confirmed, then this Chen Niannian might be that Fang Niannian!
After returning home, Yue Jiaoyang couldn't wait to pass through the hanging flower gate and ran to the main room.

"Mom, are you home?" The voice came before the person arrived.

"I'm here. I knew you were coming back today, so I didn't go anywhere." Lin Zhi stood up with a smile to greet Yue Jiaoyang.

"Mom, I want to ask you something." Yue Jiaoyang panted.

"You ask."

"That Chen Niannian is the girl Uncle Chen's family recognized. Does she have a twin brother?"

"Yes, why do you suddenly ask this?" Lin Zhi was a little confused by Yue Jiaoyang's sudden question.

"What grade is her twin brother in now?"

"I don't know about that yet. Since Chen Niannian is in the same class with you, her brother should be in the first year of high school." Lin Zhi guessed.

"Mom, can you ask me?" Yue Jiaoyang was very dissatisfied with the answer.

"Okay, okay, my dear son, just wait for me." Lin Zhi said and went to make a phone call.

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