Chapter Sixty Seven

Start from the beginning

"I know" I smile up at him and he pecks my lips.

"There is no one else, you're it for me. You and our boys and our future kids, however many we have" I burst out laughing.

"Calm down, Im happy with what we have" I lift the boys into the play pen and head for the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Maybe two more though, not now but in the future" Harry smiles at me before he steps behind me and wraps his arms around me, squeezing tight.

"Hmm we'll see" I pinch his arms to let me go.

We remain in silence whilst I make coffee. Harry takes a quick call and then sits at the breakfast bar.

"Mike is going to stay a few more days, Holly is gone though. She obviously wont be making an appearence again either" I nod as I bring my cup to my mouth and blow on the hot drink.

"We good?" Harry pours himself a cup of coffee before he sits back down.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're just quiet, you came to bed without saying goodnight last night and well, usually you're riding me till early hours and I barely got a grunt out of you last night"

"Harry stop making a thing of this Holly drama please. I said I didnt care. Yes its annoying to see, but I trust you and Im not being off with you. I was tired, it had been a long day and I just needed some time on my own".

"Im not gonna beat around the bush here, you're pissed off and you wont admit it. You're trying to remain calm even though you want to pop a cap in that bitch and you also want to chew my ass out. Just do it. Get it off your chest. You're right, I allowed her to lay a hand on me, never thinking of the consequences of what could happen. I went too easy on her when she continued to do it when I should have put her in her place. Im sorry"

"Well why didnt you then? I think you're feeling guilty because you didnt put her in her place and it proved me right all along because she made a move on you like I knew she would and like I told you she would... Harry for fuck sake, Im a woman with eyes, I knew her intentions since day one. She didnt come back here to see anyone but you! You're just too fucking stupid to see that" I roll my eyes at him as I take another mouthful of my coffee.

I can see he is getting angry but he keeps his voice low because the kids could get upset.

"I dont know why I didnt put a stop to it. I expected her to see you and realise she didnt stand a chance! I was thinking it would save me the fucking clingy drama shit like last time. I didnt want to bring attention to it in case she thought that was a green light so I fucking ignored it".

"In the process of ignoring her, you were prepared to upset me.. I chose to ignore it but that doesnt mean it didnt hurt. How about I get someone from New York to visit that I fucked a few times, let him come up into our home and start touching my shoulders and arms and openly flirting with me in front of everyone" I can tell Ive hit a nerve because he tilts his head back, sighing loudly before his head hangs low.

"Fuck, yeah you're right. Im sorry. You have to know that no one compares to you Pippa?" His eyes look pleading now and I know he truly is sorry.

"We dont need to keep hashing this out. I meant it when I said I dont care and I trust you. If I kept getting upset over this Harry I wouldnt be able to be with you. I just wish you considered my feelings more when making your decisions. It could have saved all of this" I place my hand in his and he gives it a squeeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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