Chapter Twenty Seven

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* Harry's POV *

I was just about to push my way through the front door of the clubhouse when I heard my Pop shout out after me.

When I spun around he was as pale as a sheet but the look of determination in his eyes was evident and I dug my nails into my palm.

This fucker was going to piss me off, I could feel it.

"What Pop?" I sighed, knowing he was about to ruin the little fuck bubble I was about to create.

I was ready to destroy Pippa after that performance. I was throbbing with need and this man has the audacity to pull me aside in my hour of need.

"What was that in there?"

"Pop, don't even act fucking surprised, I was making a damn statement not to fuck with me. That anger has been boiling for weeks. You hardly thought I would do it quickly after everything that man-"

"Jesus christ! Not you asshole, Pippa!" I was a little stunned.

She surprised me too, but Pop would of course need to rain on my parade. Fuck me I loved seeing her like that.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, playing stupid was my go to piss off move for Pop, it usually shortens the conversation cause he gets angry, slaps me across the head and storms off leaving me to my fuck bubble.

"You're a fucking ignorant fool if you didn't see the look of agony on that girls face, we need her full story Harry. There is more to that girl than we know"

"I know enough" I countered trying my best to push this conversation down. It felt like fucking deja vu except now we know a little more. Enough for now.

"Bullshit. No normal girl puts up with this life and with the click of her finger can turn in to that. She has been through shit and we need to know what. You could have threats that we don't even know about"

"Georgie surely knows. She would tell us if we had anything to worry about. Pippa did enough for the club to prove her loyalty. I am not fucking pushing this Pop" but his stare told me everything. It told me I was being naive. That I was letting my feelings for Pippa cloud my judgement.

I know for fucking sure, Pippa has had a hard life and I am waiting for her to trust me with it. Don't get me wrong, I am fucking struggling because I have so many questions.

Georgie wouldn't elaborate on what she told us, we were all told that its Pippa's story to tell and she will when she's ready. I am respecting that on the grounds of her loyalty, which she proved when she didnt up and leave after being tortured for over a week.

That earned her our respect and we in turn got her loyalty. The rest is just details? Right?

"She needs to tell us. Pippa has proved her loyalty, you're right there. But having her as part of the club doesn't mean shit because to protect her we need to know the full story. Her being abandoned as a baby and in care for the best part of her life doesn't explain that woman we all seen in there. There is more to her story." Pop pushed even further and my mood was completely soured.

Worst of all, I knew he was right.

"Ill ease her into it. If it was Georgie you wouldn't be putting pressure on her either. This is my club and I say we go at my pace. I'll find out but I won't push her"

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