Chapter 385: Explosive Events

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Nagoya, Japan

11:45 AM

3rd person POV

With nearly noon on the city.

Daigo Haru, Yamazaki Aoto, Kateyama Oda, and Kate Chopin arrived at a large facility that's surrounded by fences with barbed wire attached on top of them.

Kate: Hmm...fences, barely any guards on the outside. Yeah, this looks a little suspicious to me.

Yamazaki: They must be guarding the inside of the building.

Kate: Then let's do this.

The girl then pulled out a small metallic stick from her pocket as it suddenly turns into a steel whip.

Yamazaki took out an advanced-looking rifle and Kateyama brings out two Uzi pistols but decides to not use it knowing he could take them out with his fists.

Yamazaki: Not planning to bring your knife out, master?

Haru: I'm good.

???: Joining in without me??

Haru: About time you arrived. New recruit.

The group turns around to meet with this new member.

It was a girl. 

She has black hair with a bun tied to the back of it. She also has silver eyes and wears a white kimono.

Sono Ayako

(A/N: Another OC named after an IRL author

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(A/N: Another OC named after an IRL author. Her name is based off on a Japanese female author of the same name. Fun fact, out of all the names that are named after authors as both from BSD canon and OC. The real versions of Ayako Sono and Kanae Minato are still alive compared to the others like Osamu Dazai who are deceased.)

Kate: So, this is our new recruit?

Haru: Her name is Sono Ayako. She serves as one of our assassins similar to Oda and Ryosuke.

Ayako: Nice to meet you. I hope you can take care of me.

Yamazaki: Quite the interesting girl we have here.

While the rest spoke, Kateyama as usual has remained silent with Ayako quickly noticing the mute person. 

Ayako:  I presume that you're the man who rarely speaks??

Kateyema: ...

The blonde man just looked at her without a response.

Yamazaki: He's delighted to meet you, Sono-san.

Ayako: I see.

Haru: Now that we're all acquainted. Shall we begin the mission in earnest? 

Kate: Of course, master. 

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