Chapter 383: The Black Organization

154 3 7

A year ago

Somewhere in REDACTED

Inside of an office. 

A man wearing an Ushanka with black hair and purple eyes is staring down a man who's sitting on an office chair behind a desk. 

Fyodor Dostoevsky was standing before the mysterious man as he began to talk.

Fyodor: So, you are the leader. 

???: Who are you? I've never had a stranger stepping foot into my office before. Also, how did a stranger like you managed to find this place? 

Fyodor: I have my ways. Even the most secretive of organizations will eventually see the light of truth. God sees all secrets. 

???: Hmm, are you some sort of religious zealot? 

Fyodor: Call me what you may but I am here for one reason. 

???: And what reason would that be?

Fyodor gave a sinister smile as he replies:

Fyodor: To make a deal with you. 

???: A deal?

Fyodor: Correct. You see, my organization is in need of both financial and technological resources. Your "Black Organization" has plenty of that. 

???: So, what exactly are you suggesting? 

Fyodor: I want your organization to work for me. By doing so, you'll be helping me in fulfilling my goals while at the same time, fulfilling the goals of your organization. 

???: I see...what makes you think you know of our goals? 

Fyodor: I managed to find where you are, did I not?? Why wouldn't I be able to deduce your goals?

???: You're bluffing.

Fyodor: You said it yourself. No stranger has ever set foot into this very office and yet you have a stranger that stands before you. You think I wouldn't be able to find this place without knowing who I'm dealing with? 

???: Fair point. Though before I follow through with this deal of yours. You still have yet to tell me who you are and who you are affiliated with.

Fyodor: I suppose it's only natural that I introduce myself. Of course, you do need to introduce yourself to me as well. It wouldn't be courteous of us both if we don't properly tell our names. 

The mysterious man was looking at Fyodor as if to analyze his intentions.

Though despite his obvious suspicions towards the man, he then spoke. 

???: Very well, though I will let you go first. 

Fyodor: I understand. My name is Fyodor Dostoevsky. Leader of Apocalypse. 

There was silence for about 6 seconds before the mysterious man also says his name. 




???: Renya...













Present day


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