Chapter 340: New Heroes Rising

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Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan

3rd person POV

Dazai Osamu was on top of a roof eating an apple. 

He looks at the afternoon sky in peace. 

After taking in that said peace.

He suddenly spoke.

Dazai: Quite the beautiful afternoon, isn't it? 

???: So, when do I get to work with the CSD?

A girl's voice was then heard. 

She has white hair in a chin-length bob with Birkin bangs and sky-blue eyes.

Dazai: Not yet. Besides, Ango-san has yet to fully gain permission from his higher ups to allow me to work with at least one of you and the government seems to find you to be...the most valuable asset and I can understand why.

???: Tell me first Dazai-kun. Why did you decide to work with me now? I'm already well aware of these terrorists a year ago so why now?

Dazai: I don't have all of the resources yet. That's all. Besides, I chose not to because you wouldn't be able to work with such great people.

???: Isn't the Armed Detective Agency enough for me?

Dazai: I told you already. Even the Agency will have a much more difficult time if we were to deal with Fyodor ourselves and because we're dealing with international criminals who have as much bad rep as Fyodor himself. 

???: I see. You have your own detective and other interesting people and yet you need my help? 

Dazai: You told me once the first time we've met that you can solve a case before it even happens. Ranpo needed time despite his own inhuman level of deduction. That's not a downplay on his part but I didn't just want to work with you because of that alone. Your physical skills are also perfect to be part of the CSD. We do need more detectives to cover a massive ground.

???: I see. I suppose this is what you mean by the CSD being special. They have just about everything. I respect that. 

Dazai: You know, there can never be too many heroes. If there's always a threat. It doesn't hurt to have many people like you on the field. Like with the ADA and the CSD. What you're doing is for the greater good of the world.

???: You are correct. This isn't just a day job or a hobby. I'm doing this because I believe in protecting the people whose interests would serve well for the greater good. 

Dazai: Hehe! How interesting. 

Just then...Dazai's phone rang as someone named Chisato was on the phone.

Dazai: Let me take this.

???: Sure. 

He picks up the phone as Dazai speaks with this person. 

Dazai: Hello...I see...




Dazai: Mysterious deaths? Signs of hacking? Okay, I hear you...




Dazai: And a man that's wearing a white cape and a half mask? (There's only one person that can have that description. Fyodor's men have been moving quick as of late. This will be a long war.)





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