Chapter 338: A Rough Game

184 3 7

Kawasaki, Japan

3rd person POV

Both Akira and Akise all of a sudden bumped into Mello's group as they introduced themselves to them. 

Matt: Shiroyanagi Akira and Akise Aru huh? Let's're the gamer guy and you're the one that wants to be a detective.

He said to Akira and Akise respectively while pointing at them one at a time.

Akira: At least he's right about those. Ryuzaki really told you guys about us.

Matt: It is the best adjectives he gave you guys so that we can recognize you guys better even though there are also other gamers in your class. 

Akise: So, who are you guys? 

He asked as the group looked at each other. 

Of course, a certain chocolate eating boy was first to introduce himself. 

Mello: My name's Mello. 

Akira: Mello? That's an unusual name. 

Akise: Maybe it's a code name like Ryuzaki.

Mello: Heh! You're pretty sharp for someone who hasn't started becoming a detective yet. 

Matt: I'm Matt, nice to meet you. 

He stuck his hand towards them as both Akise and Akira shook his hand one by one. 

Akise: Likewise.

Akira: No last name?

Matt: It's actually a code name too like Mello.

Akise: That makes sense. Usually, a generic name wouldn't sound too suspicious if we're talking code names. So, who are the other three?

Both Akise and Akira then looked at the three ADA members.

Akira: Are they also working for Ryuzaki?

Yosano: Technically yes but we're working for our own organization. We just made an alliance with Ryuzaki and his task force. 

The physician of the ADA spoke as she steps forward. 

Akise: I see.

Yosano: We're from the Armed Detective Agency. I'm the agency's physician, Yosano Akiko.

She said as she then introduces the other members of the agency.

Yosano: The orange-haired guy. He's Tanizaki Jun'ichiro. He's our reconnaissance man. 

Tanizaki: Sup.

Yosano: And here's our resident farmer/powerhouse of the agency. Miyazawa Kenji.

Kenji: Nice to meet ya! 

Akise: A farmer?

Both Akise and Akira are a bit confused since they've never seen a member of an agency, looks like a farmer. 

Tanizaki: He may not be much but don't underestimate him. He's our ace up our sleeve in terms of physical prowess. 

Mello: Anyways, now that we're acquainted. We better get the fuck out of here. We've stayed here for too long. 

Akira: What's going on?

Mello: Are you two coming with us or not?

The two boys looked at each other. 

Reluctant at first but Akise being as sharp as ever does sense some danger about what's going on with this group.

Akise: Let's go.

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