Chapter 371: Kazuto Kirigaya vs Kiryuu Kasai

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Outside of the building

3rd person POV

Kazuto was now down on the ground as he tries to stand up. 

Kiryuu: Well, now. Don't tell me you're already down and out?

Kazuto was now standing up as he faces Kiryuu. 

Kazuto: That's quite a kick there. 

Kiryuu: So, are you gonna fight me or what?

Kazuto: Why are you going after me? The Port Mafia are right there like you wanted. 

Kiryuu: Fool, did you really believe that this is our only goal right now? 

Kazuto: What do you mean? 

Kiryuu: Do you not realize that you are being manipulated right now? 

Kazuto: Are you gonna pull some kind of mind game on me?

Kiryuu: Oh no. I'm not gonna do that. I simply want to gauge your strength. 

Kazuto: My strength?

Kiryuu: You see, I used to live in a very dangerous part of Ikebukuro. I constantly find myself in fights with anyone who I most would deem as outcasts of society. During that time, I learned how to fight at a very young age. I always loved fighting. Whether it be for fun or to prove my strength. That's who I am. 

Kazuto: But why me?

Kiryuu: Haru-sama told me you have potential and that you trained with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. 

Kazuto: He told you about me?? Of course, he did idiot. 

He spoke to himself with that last statement.

Kazuto: Since you are associated with Daigo Haru. I wouldn't be surprised that you have all the information about every person in Class S.

Kiryuu: Ohh we know more than just that. Though before that.

He then takes a stance with his sword held with both hands.

Kiryuu: Entertain me for a bit.

Kazuto also took a stance with his blade.

Kazuto: Bring it on.

The two were now face to face with their blades up.

Time stood still as the two prepare for battle waiting for the other to make a move.

Kazuto: (I've got a taste of how he fights...but I don't know if he was holding back during our first encounter but by the looks of it. He might be hiding more strength. This is one of Daigo Haru's subordinates. Kasai might be tougher than I initially thought.)

Kiryuu: Let's go.

With barely being able to react.

Kiryuu already rushed at Kazuto immediately already in front of him ready to slash him right towards the neck.

Kazuto barely dodges as Kiryuu wore a devious smirk.

Kiryuu: Nice dodge. Though your reaction time is obviously slower. If you were a second short, I would've decapitated you there.

Kazuto: You were trying to decapitate me!?

Kiryuu: You dodged didn't you?

Kazuto: Tch! How are you that fast?

Kiryuu: Training? What else?

Kazuto: The way you move though. It's almost inhuman.

Kiryuu: Okay, maybe I gave you a half-baked answer there. Let me tell you a bit more. When you are used to constantly fighting gang members every single day at such a young age. You can gradually grow to a level that would slowly but surely far exceed human capabilities. From where I come from. I didn't just fight for survival. I fight to be stronger than everyone.

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