Chapter 393: Kaguya Shinomiya/Kei Shinomiya vs Shinryuu Ito

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Half an hour ago

3rd person POV

Prior to their respective battles.

Chuuya and Ozaki were already at the warehouse as ordered by Mori himself as they discuss about the person they're guarding.

Chuuya: You know, I just want to get in that damn room where that soccer bastard is and kick his ass right now.

Ozaki: And then what? We all get arrested by the government??

Chuuya: I'm still not interested in following orders involving them anymore. I'm already tired of it. Besides, you're planning to follow through with it too, right? After all, that girl is with them.

Ozaki: You mean Kyoka? Ahh yes. Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of expiring her life though I doubt that our White Room allies would like that from me if I let her live. Though if it were the case of someone like Dazai. Would you follow through with their orders?

Chuuya: You're really going to ask me if I'd kill Dazai under their orders? 

Ozaki: I'm just wondering. When Mori-dono made the deal to give away 50% of our forces to the 6th generation. We're now given the policy to kill anyone who are involved with Class S regardless of who it is. If you ask me, it's quite the rough policy to make all just to bring back one person and if we don't follow said policy...all that they told us is that there will be consequences. 

Chuuya: Hmph! Whatever. At some point or another, I want to put an end to this damn power struggle. 

Ozaki: It's not exactly a power struggle when both parties agreed to share their resources. 

Chuuya: You mean OUR resources? What the fuck have they given us in return?! All they promised is payment after capturing Ayanokouji! That's it! No other benefits other than paying us.

Ozaki: Yes, it does sound genuinely a parasitic relationship in the grand scheme of things but don't let that bother you too much. Like I said, we wait until the time is right. For now, we'll play along with them at least long enough until Mori-dono gives us the chance.

Chuuya: Fine...guess I really can't do much right now.

Ozaki: Then we do as they say given their shared power. I'll try to make myself convincing as possible if I fight Kyoka that is. I don't think you have a problem dealing with the rest.

Chuuya: Yeah...I just want to get this over with. 

Ozaki: You really are grumpier than usual. 

Chuuya: *Groan*

He just casually leaves with an even worse mood than usual.

Ozaki: (At some point, he's going to reach his limit. Well, as long as he doesn't do anything reckless. He can still fulfill his duties as he so wishes.)




Present day

Without even a time to react.

Chuuya begins to go after Kunikida first as he lands a powerful punch at the agent's face pushing him decently far from where Kunikida stood as he tumbles to the ground.

Kei: Kunikida-san!!

Kunikida spat blood out of his mouth as Chuuya stands over him.

Chuuya: Let's finish this. I wanna put an end to this quick.

As Kei aims his gun at Chuuya, Kunikida suddenly shouts at him.

Kunikida: Don't! He is my problem. Go after the instructor!

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