Chapter 352: A Deadly Afternoon (The Clown's Game Part 5)

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3:04 PM 

At an undisclosed location 

3rd person POV

Nana: So, what now genius?

Nikolai: Why are you asking me? 

Nana: Are you really just going to give away our location just like that?

Nikolai: They won the game fair and square so of course it's only natural that I-

Nana: Listen you! This is going to blow the whole operation if they stop us here and now! 

Nikolai: Woah there, missy!

He raised his arms forward and shook them. 

Nikolai: Why are you all mad there!? I'm just being a good gamemaster! 

Nana: This little game of yours is already over. You should've sent me to kill them! Great, now we're going to be completely screwed here! 

Nikolai: Come on, you don't need to be harsh towards me. Want some candy? 

He said while reaching to his pocket showing some candy. 

Nana: You blew it for us Clown! We're already doomed. 

Nikolai: Who says anything about being doomed? We're not the ones on the losing end of this battle.

Nana: Hmm?

Nikolai: Hahahaha! I never told you, didn't I? 

Nana: What are you on about?

Nikolai: Never mind that. I'll tell you once we finish off the Agency and their little task force. 

Nana just gave him a stern look before suddenly preparing a machine pistol in hand. 

Nana: Fine, after all. Fyodor-san did say that the Armed Detective Agency are one of the enemies of humanity.

Nikolai smirks as he was satisfied with what she said. 

Nikolai: Good, now we wait for their arrival. 




Shiro's safehouse

The CSD and the ADA were now back at the safehouse as almost everyone from Class E were there. 

The rest were okay other than Itona, Chiba, and Hayami who were forced to be tied up and kept from doing anything until they figure out how to stop the mind control process. 

Isogai: So, let me get this straight. All of us were kidnapped by a dangerous terrorist organization called Apocalypse??

Karma: Yep.

Isogai: And you're saying that they have Karasuma-sensei hostage. 

Karma: Exactly.

Isogai: That's a lot to take in. 

Yada: Not to mention the fact that Kayano-san and the others are still out there and in the hands of this...who was his name again?

Nagisa: Nikolai Gogol.

Yada: Yeah, him. 

Terasaka: That fucking bastard is going to pay for what he did to us! I'd say we go after him and kick his ass! 

Justice: Are you even sure that's a good idea?

Terasaka: What the hell are you talking about?! That Gogol guy was screwing with our lives and we're giving him payback! 

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