Chapter 302: Disaster looms

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Chiba, Tokyo, Japan

3rd person POV

In an alleyway.

Tadashi was dragging a dead corpse of one of the Port Mafia goons while Haru was walking with him. 

Haru: Put down the body.

Tadashi did what his leader says. 

Haru: I'm sure the mafia is catching up to us but that's to be expected. They'll divert their attention to me rather than the Masterpiece though once the mafia finds out about my identity and my origin. There will be a slow but noticeable traction that will form between Ayanokouji-sensei and the mafia.

Tadashi: So, what should we do with this corpse, Daigo-sama?

Haru: The same as before. Dump it in a public place. 

Tadashi: Understood. By the way, how was that visit? 

Haru: Hmm?

Tadashi: You said you were visiting an "old friend". 

Haru: That person isn't exactly a friend. More like a benefactor. 


Haru: Haruno, I need a favor. 

Haruno: A favor huh?

Haru: I need all the advantage that I need. 

Haruno: What are you talking about? 

Haru: Remember when I told you about that certain place?

Haruno: Ohh that. I almost forgot that you were a student there. 

Haru: The person running that place. Your mother's colleague is coming after me. 

Haruno: What do you mean?

Haru: Believe me, it's better that you don't get yourself involve. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to gather info that I wouldn't know about. 

Haruno: You want me to gather info for you huh? 

Haru: That's right, such as for example. Are you aware of the recent mafia activity that's been occurring all across Tokyo? 

Haruno: Well, I have heard rumors.

Haru: Those aren't just rumors. It's true and in fact.

Haru suddenly took out a gun and showed it to Haruno. 

Haruno: A gun? Isn't it illegal to carry those around? 

Haru: Yes, but as you can see, I have one in my hand, and this is just a few of the illegal weapons that the mafia have in their arsenal. Do believe me now? 

Haruno: Heh! Okay you got me. I was lying to you about that rumor stuff, but you already know that and just simply played along with my trick. 

Haru: You're too easy to figure out. 

Haruno: I can see what makes you White Room students special. Though I never got to ask, how come my mother doesn't know the true nature of that project? 

Haru: Because that colleague of hers never told her anything. 

Haruno: Why not?

Haru: Even I don't know. The old man is good at keeping secrets. Besides, you're the one person that they would least expect to provide me valuable info. You'll be my shadow informant. They won't be able to know who you are and where to find you. 

Haruno: I see, you want to be one step ahead of everyone. 

Haru: That's always been my thing. I cannot let my enemies constantly put me down. 

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