Chapter 296: The Calm before the Storm

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1 year later

3rd person POV

Decay of Angels 

Now renamed: Apocalypse are currently looking for new members. 

Fyodor and his allies are moving across Japan undetected for some time even with Dazai and Ranpo looking for them as well as L who while looking for Atsuomi still couldn't get a single clue of their whereabouts. 





11:34 PM

Fyodor, Nikolai, and Dante are inside of an abandoned building.

Fyodor: Looks like we're making quite the progress.

Dante: And so far, the Detective Agency has yet to discover our whereabouts. 

Nikolai: It's like we really did disappear off the face of this Earth. How I pity them. Then again, it's quite entertaining that even the great Armed Detective Agency cannot detect us! Armageddon is right around the corner, and they don't have a way to stop it!

Dante: Any word from the others?

Fyodor: Not yet but soon enough. We'll have the resources to put an end to this world. Japan is merely the first and soon, the entire world will witness its end. 

Dante: Their final day on this earth draws close. I have no remorse for those who believe themselves higher than us. Higher than God.

Fyodor: I agree, Dante-san. There is a special place for people like that and it's where the fallen morning star has resided until the day of judgement arises. We are servants of God. The 9 celestial angels that will purge the sinners from this world. 

Dante: 9?

Nikolai: Hehe! Aren't you aware we have 9th that's among us but of course we don't plan on using him yet. 

Fyodor: Ohh right, you are the most one of the most recent members of our group. So, it's understandable that you don't know yet. 

???: Looks like I finally found you. 

Fyodor: Hmm?

Suddenly the three of them noticed a man walking out of the shadows.

He had short black hair with brown eyes while sporting a black coat

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He had short black hair with brown eyes while sporting a black coat. 

???: I've heard rumors of a Russian man wandering about the underground. Are you him? 

Dante suddenly raises his right arm preparing to attack with the wrist mounted flamethrower he had.

However, Fyodor stops him.

Fyodor: Hold your fire.

Dante was reluctant but immediately followed as he puts his hand down. 

Dante: Yes sir.

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