78 ~ Seventy-Eight

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[T]he sight of her was jarring—Yuki looked like she'd been through a battlefield, her exhaustion etched deeply into her features.

You were seated across from Shinji's wife in the dimly lit living room, her weariness weighed heavy.

"Yuki-san, how are you holding up?" you asked, a hint of genuine concern coloring your voice.

The place appeared as though it hadn't been tidied up all day, mirroring the disheveled and somber appearance of its owner. But then again, what could you really expect from someone who had just lost a loved one?

Yuki mustered a weak smile, "Not great, obviously."

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to lend a hand with the funeral arrangements once the investigations wrap up."

"Sure," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're too kind, Y/N."

"I'm not so sure about that. I was pretty harsh last night, remember?"

Yuki waved it off with a tired smile. "You were right though. None of this is on you," she confessed, her voice strained with emotion. "Sometimes, we do tend to lash out, often at those who don't fit in. It's easier to push away those who are different, but it's not fair."

Beside you, Satoru seemed to tense, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses as he tuned into the conversation.

You reached out to grasp his hand, but you recoiled slightly against an invisible barrier—his limitless.

Disappointed, you withdrew your hand, refocusing on Yuki instead.

Just as you were about to steer the conversation elsewhere, Satoru took you slightly off guard by intertwining his fingers with yours, his touch sending sparks coursing through the back of your hand.

It was unexpected, yet oddly reassuring.

For a moment, you were overwhelmed by the rush of emotions coursing through you—the erratic thud of your heart, the warmth of Satoru's hand in yours.

You knew it was wrong since it wasn't the right time nor the venue for this, but you couldn't resist. It was as if your feelings had a mind of their own, pulling you in despite your better judgment.

Turning your hand, you entwined your fingers with his, relishing in the warmth that radiated from his palm now against yours.

Damn, you wished he could just sweep you into his arms right now.

"Let's not dwell on this," you said, trying to focus despite his distracting presence beside you. "But you need to rest, Yuki-san. Both for yourself and the little one."

"I'm grateful you came by," Yuki murmured softly.

"And I'll be back," you added, a hint of hesitation in your voice. But she didn't seem to notice.

As you began to stand, Satoru rose with you, your hands still linked.

"You two make quite the pair," Yuki commented wistfully, a touch of envy in her tone. "I'm glad you've found happiness."

Bewildered and at a loss for words, you glanced at Gojo beside you, his chuckle easing the tension. Slightly.

Until, it sent your heart racing once more, its frantic beats echoing in your chest.

What was up with you today? You were feeling utterly perplexed.

"You might be the first to say that," he quipped, flashing Yuki a playful smirk.

You felt a surge of gratitude towards him, grateful for his light-heartedness that brought a smile to Yuki's face.

"Take care, Yuki-san," you interjected, trying to steer the conversation away from its uncertain path, and silently battling the blush threatening to creep onto your cheeks.

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