39 ~ Thirty-Nine

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"Now, Y/N-chan," Gojo Satoru called out as he led you on a stroll amidst the lush greenery of the school's backyard. "Take a look at that tree over there."

He gestured towards a pair of trees standing side by side like twins.

With a flick of his index finger, a surge of energy shot forth, colliding with the first tree trunk and leaving behind a small crater.

"That's cursed energy," he explained nonchalantly, punctuating his words with a raised finger. "Negative emotions like grief or anger serve as the fuel for cursed energy. It's something both sorcerers and non-sorcerers possess. But here's the kicker: non-sorcerers are like leaky faucets, constantly dripping that negative energy. And that overflow? That's what births curses."

"Ah, I see," you responded, furrowing your brows at the new information. "So, this is like a lesson on curse energy and curses?"

"Exactly," Gojo replied with a cocky smirk. "But let's refocus. I have a question for you, Y/N. What do you think sets us apart from non-sorcerers?"

"I'm not entirely sure," you admitted, pondering his question with genuine consideration. "Maybe it's because we're better at keeping our energy in check, or maybe we don't leak it at all?"

"Exactly, but there's more to it," Gojo affirmed with a nod, acknowledging your insight. "To be considered a sorcerer, you first need the ability to see curses. But what truly distinguishes us is our control over cursed energy. It's not just about leaking less; it's about mastering the flow."

"So, does that mean if I can see curses, I'll automatically gain control over my cursed energy? Or is it the other way around?" you inquired, trying to grasp the concept.

"It's a bit of both," Gojo clarified, breaking it down for you. "To be a true sorcerer, you need both: the ability to see curses and the skill to manipulate the flow of cursed energy. Take Yuta, for instance. He uses his katana as a medium to infused his cursed energy and summon Rika."

"Alright, I see?" Your response sounded more like a question as you tried to process the information.

Gojo Satoru chuckled softly before continuing, "But you seem to have a knack for the basics." His words caused you to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"From what you did back in that alleyway, it seems you're able to effortlessly use your cursed energy. And you can see curses too," Gojo explained.

"Uh, okay?" you replied, feeling somewhat unsure.

"So, how exactly do you do it?"

"I don't know," you admitted after a moment. "It just... happens, I guess?"

"I think it's connected to your latent disposition," Gojo suggested, his fingers lightly tapping his chin in thought.

"The one Shoko mentioned?" you inquired, your arms crossed as you studied him.

"Yeah," Gojo confirmed with a nod. "I want you to revisit the basics of curse energy manipulation."

"Huh? But why?" you frowned. "You said I'm doing fine because of my... disposition thing."

"Your ability to use cursed energy isn't the issue," Gojo clarified, trying to simplify his explanation for you. "Usually, rookie sorcerers struggle with using cursed energy. They can sense curse energy but can't use it. In your case, it's different. You can effortlessly use your cursed energy and even sense it, but you struggle with knowing when and how to stop it."

"W-wait a minute. I'm not sure I truly get it," you interjected, trying to wrap your head around the concept.

"Alright, let me break it down for you," Gojo replied calmly. "Newbies usually have trouble figuring out how to kickstart their curse energy, keep that flow going so they can exorcise curses or power their techniques."

He paused, allowing you to absorb his words.

"Okay. Got it," you nodded, prompting him to go on.

"But in your case, it's different," Gojo explained. "The way you handle curse energy is unique. It's like your natural instinct is to absorb external curse energy and blend it with your own. This makes you powerful, but also vulnerable because you're absorbing a lot of negative emotions."

"Okay, I get it," you murmured, trying to process the information. "But how does this connect to manipulating curse energy?"

"That's the problem," Gojo clarified. "I've explained how your curse energy flows, but the issue is your lack of control. You don't know when to stop it when it's not needed and when to start it when it is."

Your eyes widened in realization. "So you're saying that without realizing it, I attract curses and negative emotions because I can't turn off my curse energy flow? Like it's always on, running in the background?"

"Yeah, that's it," Gojo affirmed with a nod, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "Isn't that why you wear the cursed earring as blockers? To keep curses from sensing you? It's like you're trying to block their energy from mixing with yours when all you need to do is learn how to—"

"Turn it off," you concluded sharply, and he nodded in agreement.

"I see," you murmured, your face contorting with understanding. "But can sorcerers really absorb curse energy from curses?"

"Yeah, it's possible," Gojo confirmed, his tone thoughtful. "I've seen it before, like with Yuta and Rika. But your case, where you absorb not just the energy but also the raw emotions and memories, that's new."

He finished with a smile, though there was a hint of sadness in it. "Anyway, your talent is quite impressive. With the right guidance, you could do amazing things."


~ Author's Notes ~

Okay, so my brain actually short-circuited while writing this chapter.

I had to like re-read it for 20+ times to see if it makes sense. Dang.

Hope you enjoyed it.

See you in the next one.

Queenie ❤️

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