19 ~ Nineteen

653 19 4

[A] faint blush colored Maki's cheeks at your words, a testament to her modesty in the face of praise.

Clearing her throat, she stepped back, allowing you to rise to your feet.

As the tension eased, a sudden round of applause broke the silence, drawing both your attention to the source of the sound.

"Your only mistake was believing in your victory too soon," Gojo Satoru remarked, descending the stairs with Nanami at his side.

Nanami nodded in agreement. "Indeed. You had a chance to win. I suspect your hesitation stems from your reluctance to harm a younger opponent."

You raised an eyebrow at Nanami's insight. "It was just meant to be a friendly spar anyway."

Your words seemed to ignite a spark in Maki, who shot you a fierce glare. To her, it sounded like you were undermining her skills and not taking her seriously.

"Don't say it like that. You'll only make Maki-chan angry," Gojo chided playfully, ruffling the teenage girl's hair.

You shook your head. "I didn't mean any offense. But I wasn't about to go all out against a teenage girl, either."

"I thought I told you not to underestimate me," Maki retorted, her tone sharp.

"My apologies," you said sincerely. "I truly meant it when I said you're quite strong though."

Your sincere words momentarily embarrassed Maki, and she crossed her arms defensively, averting her gaze. "I demand a rematch, then."

"Not now. Let's grab something to eat first," Gojo suggested, giving Maki's hair another tousle before turning to you. "Anyway, Y/N-chan. A loss is a loss, right?"

You rolled your eyes at Gojo's obvious enjoyment of your defeat, knowing you now had to fulfill his request.

"What do you want?" you asked, resigned to your fate. "As long as it's nothing unethical, I'll fulfill your wish."

"Hmm..." Gojo playfully pondered for a moment.

His blindfolded eyes lingered on your lips, a mischievous thought crossing his mind.

For starters, how about seeing just how skilled you were with your mouth and hands... ahem!

Ah, focus, Satoru. Focus.

He flashed his signature smirk at you, suppressing the suggestive thoughts that threatened to surface. "I haven't decided yet. I'll let you know when I do, mhmm 'Kay, Y/N?"

You sighed, knowing you had little choice but to agree. "As you wish."

"Should we get going then? Food's on Gojo Satoru," Maki blurted out, already striding ahead.

"Huh? Why?" Gojo feigned ignorance, though treating you all to a meal wasn't much of an issue for his wallet.

"That's what you get for using me in your silly bet, Baka."

"Hai hai. Good job there, Maki-Chan," Gojo acknowledged with a grin.

You observed the interaction between teacher and student with a faint smile, interrupted when Toge Inumaki approached, holding out your coat.

Probably dropped by you in your spar with Maki.

"Tsuna, Tsuna," he mumbled, though you had no idea what he meant. Accepting the coat from him, you gave him a pat on the head.

"Toge, was it?" you asked.

"Salmon," he confirmed with a nod.

"Thank you. I've always wanted a cute little brother," you remarked aloud, prompting Gojo to pause at your words, his gaze shifting towards you.

Although you weren't smiling, there was a glint in your eyes that suggested you found Toge endearing.

The teenage boy blushed and nuzzled his nose into his high collar, his cheeks tinged with pink. It would have been a cute moment for Gojo if Ijichi Kitoyaka hadn't approached you.

"Y/N-san, you were quite impressive out there," Kitoyaka complimented, adjusting his glasses in an attempt to maintain his composure, though his blush betrayed him.

You realized he was still present, a fact that had slipped your mind entirely, much like Gojo's and Nanami's.

"Oh, thanks," you responded flatly, uninterested in his advances.

Atta Girl. Gojo thought to himself.

But Kitoyaka persisted, "Would you like to have dinner in your room, or would you prefer a tour of our mess hall? You probably didn't have time to explore yesterday."

Before you could respond, Gojo Satoru and Nanami Kento cut in, their tones firm and decisive.

"No need," they both declared simultaneously, their voices leaving no room for argument.

Gojo's tone then shifted to one of playful amusement. "Y/N-chan is dining with us tonight. Dinner's on me. You coming too, Nanamin?"

"Yes," Nanami agreed simply, his expression unreadable as he observed Kitoyaka's disappointed reaction from the sideline.

It was clear the man was trying too hard to get you alone, but his efforts to arrange a private dinner with you had been thwarted once again.

Nanami wouldn't typically interfere, but he sensed your discomfort in the way you bluntly rebuffed Ijichi.

"Let me just change first," you suggested.

"Alright," Gojo nodded, "Let's all meet at the front gate when you're ready."

So, you were opting to drive to the city instead of ordering takeout? Noted.

"Now then, Y/N-chan, let's go," Gojo urged.

"Why do I have to come with you?" you narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him.

"Relax, I don't bite," he joked, but there was a hint of a darker implication in his tone. "We're headed the same way anyway. Wouldn't want you to end up getting lost or entering the wrong room now, would you?"

His words sent a chill down your spine, reminding you of last night's unsettling events. You made a queasy expression, feeling unsettled, but eventually relented. "Okay, let's go."

The students observed the exchange in silence, with Maki deciding that Gojo's antics were none of her business, while the others seemed intrigued by the interaction.

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