32 ~ Thirty-Two

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"Y/N," he breathed your name with such intensity and needs that it sent a shiver down your spine and a flutter to the pit of your stomach.

His voice carried a darkness that clashed with his smirk, adding to the aura of intimidation he exuded.

It was as if he was silently warning you not to underestimate him.

You took a deep breath, masking any hint of vulnerability with a slight frown.

"Funny," he remarked.


"You. You're spirited, no doubt," he continued, his tone teasing but with an undercurrent of something more. "But it's a shame you can't recall what happened this morning."

His teasing took on a darker, more intense edge, stirring something within you that you couldn't quite grasp. Heat surged in your veins, and you blinked in realization.

Did you just think he was... hot? Must be the hormones.

"Gojo Satoru, I don't have time for your games—" you started, but he cut you off with another breathy utterance.

"Babe," he murmured, as if struggling to contain something explosive. "You're the one who bit me."

"What?" you blinked in confusion, trying to process his words.

"I said, you bit me," he reiterated, a hint of pain underlying his tone. "Mistook my neck for Daifuku. And it stung, you know—"

"Alright, I get it," you interjected quickly.

Biting him? You? That didn't sound like something you'd do.

"I'm not making it up," he affirmed seriously. "You were out cold, muttering about craving Daifuku in your sleep, and then you took a nibble out of me."

"I do have a hankering for some Daifuku," you admitted, trying to steer the conversation away from the bizarre incident, but he just chuckled softly.

"That's why I grabbed you some this morning," he confessed, his smirk hinting at something more than just a thoughtful gesture.

Something stirred within you, a strange flutter in your chest.

You squirmed uncomfortably, blurting out, "You got me Daifuku?"

"Mhm," he affirmed with a nod, motioning towards the small coffee table where a couple of wrapped boxes sat. "Also snagged some Taiyaki. Remembered you dropped yours last night."

Eyeing him warily, you huffed and headed over to the coffee table, which was a bit closer to his bed. Sitting down, you glanced through the boxes while he stayed confident and in control, like he was sizing you up.

For a moment, it felt like he could see right through you. Ignoring the unsettling feeling, you reached for the box of Daifuku.

"Shouldn't you eat something substantial first?" he remarked, pulling his chair closer to the table so he was directly across from you. "Not wise to indulge in sweets on an empty stomach."

His words carried a hint of mockery, but there was an underlying intensity in it that made your heart race.

"Umm," you murmured, savoring the treat. "I'm in the mood for something sweet anyway."

"You make the most intriguing sounds," he commented casually. But then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "Piques my curiosity."

Your cheeks flushed as you realized the double entendre in his words.

Was he flirting with you?

Clearing your throat, you asked, "Curiosity? About what?"

"The taste, of course," he replied, his smirk suggesting he knew exactly what he was doing as he reached for a box of kikufuku.

Your eyes followed his movements, drawn to the dessert in his hands. There was an undeniable tension in the air, charged with unspoken desires.

Noticing your gaze, he smirked, his voice dropping an octave. "How about we trade? Some of your Daifuku for some of my kikufuku?"

Your pulse quickened at the suggestion, a surge of heat coursing through you. Swallowing hard, you nodded in agreement.

"Okay," you murmured, feeling a rush of anticipation as you exchanged the sweets. As you took a bite of the kikufuku, another soft moan escaped your lips, drawing his attention.

"So good," you gasped.

He smirked knowingly. "Yep," he murmured, giving a nonchalant shrug. "That's why these are my favorites. The zunda and cream-filling combo is simply exquisite."

You were left speechless, so you hastily devoured the second kikufuku. But as it slid down your throat, a fierce craving ignited within you.

Suddenly, your own daifuku paled in comparison to Gojo's kikufuku. Its creamy sweetness added a whole new dimension of flavor that you couldn't resist.

As Gojo placed the box back on the table, you subtly leaned in, hoping to snatch a few more for yourself.

Just a little more, and surely... you thought, reaching out.

But before you could grab another one, a knock reverberated on Gojo Satoru's door.

Without hesitation, the sorcerer called out, "Come in. It's open."

In strolled Nanami, holding a plastic bag in his hand. "You're not exactly who I'm looking for, but where's Y/N—" he stopped short, eyes widening as he took in your awkward position and disheveled appearance.

A blush tinted Nanami's cheeks as he tried to comprehend the situation. "I heard you were sick," he managed, attempting to maintain his composure.

"I am," you confessed, placing a finger to your lips in a silent plea for him to keep quiet about your covert snack raid. With a deft hand, you slyly snagged one more kikufuku from Gojo's stash. "Feels like I've been bulldozed by a truck."

"Y/N?" Nanami sighed, clearly bemused.

Just as you were about to indulge in your purloined treat, Nanami dropped a bombshell. "I bet he already knows."

Your body instantly tensed, and you quickly straightened up. "He does?"

"Mhm," Gojo chimed in smugly, reclining in his chair with a self-satisfied grin. "If you wanted another one, you could've just asked, Y/N-chan."

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