63 ~ Sixty-Three

372 13 4

"You're terrible at explaining things," you muttered bluntly at Shoko, rearranging papers and folders to avoid spilling food on them.

Shoko, seemingly uninterested in the papers, reinforced your assumption that they weren't significant.

But then again, she rarely showed any interest in anything aside from dissecting special grade curses.

Noticing a black folder you had missed, you picked it up. Papers slipped out, prompting another sigh before you bent down to retrieve them.

"So messy," you muttered to yourself as you gathered the scattered papers.

Your eyes fell on a particular name on one of them—Gojo Satoru.

Narrowing your eyes, you involuntarily began to read through it. It was an STI report from the day prior.

You had a hunch why he'd gotten tested, and though it stung a bit, you rolled your eyes inwardly, straightening up to neatly rearrange the papers.

You didn't want to see any more of his personal stuffs.

"Oh, this is Gojo's," Shoko commented casually as you handed her the papers.

You blinked at her but remained silent.

"I swear, the guy's living the life," Shoko smirked, accepting the file from you. "Gets tested every week, either before or after getting some action. Must be nice having such an active sex life."

At Shoko's words, disgust flickered across your face.

So that was it? Gojo wanted to add you to his long list of conquests, treating you like just another fling.

From the sheer disgust on your face, Shoko released a lazy chuckle. "Your expression was priceless."

"I really don't need to hear about that kind of stuff," you responded evenly as you sat down, reaching for a sanitizer on her table to clean your hands.

"Just in case," you added.

"You really can't stand him, huh?" Shoko observed, her tone light.

"I don't," you admitted honestly, shaking your head. "I just don't have time for that nonsense. I'm busy."

"Wow, you're pretty cold," Shoko remarked, raising a lazy brow.

"Hm," you hummed to yourself, focusing on your food instead.

Just then, a knock interrupted the conversation, and before Shoko could respond, Gojo sauntered in.

Speak of the devil. You thought to yourself.

"Hey Shoko, you done with—" he began, but stopped short as his gaze fell on you—or at least, in your direction.

You inwardly rolled your eyes, pretending he wasn't even there.

"Like I was saying," you continued, ignoring his presence. "You're terrible at teaching. It's been what? Two weeks? Maybe three? And Nanami isn't any better."

Shoko blinked in confusion, but then smiled at you, understanding your indifference.

Shrugging, she said, "Teaching isn't really my thing."

You smirked in response, but remained silent.

Shoko then turned to Gojo Satoru. "Oh hey, why bother knocking if you're just going to barge in?"

Gojo grinned mischievously. "Just giving a heads-up. Wouldn't want to interrupt any... private moments," he teased, earning a cough from you in response as you nearly choked on your food.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Where stories live. Discover now