26 ~ Twenty-Six

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"So, was that your curse technique back there?" Gojo's voice cut through the hospital alleyway, causing your body to tense up mid-sip of your coffee.

You found yourself seated on a bench with Gojo standing beside you while Yuta was nearby, ensuring that Toge and the little boy Kota received the necessary medical attention.

Meanwhile, Nanami and the others had remained behind to handle the aftermath of the chaos you'd all caused in the alleyway, with Kiyotaka Ijichi's assistance.

"I'm not entirely sure," you admitted honestly, setting down the paper-cup on the bench beside you.

"Why did you go alone?" Gojo pressed, his tone demanding answers.

"She called out to me," you sighed, feeling a throbbing headache intensifying. "I couldn't resist. It was like my body moved on its own."

"You can communicate with cursed spirits?" Gojo arched an eyebrow at you.

"It's more like I can sense their pleas and catch glimpses of their past memories," you explained cautiously, contemplating whether to divulge more. "Remember when I mentioned I have a cursed tool to control my cursed energy?"

He nodded, and you attempted to reach out for his hand, only to encounter an invisible barrier.

"What's this?" You tapped the barrier, puzzled.

"My cursed technique. It's called Limitless," Gojo revealed, and realization suddenly dawned on you.

Earlier, you recalled the worm-like cursed spirit hitting an invisible barrier when Gojo had caught you. So this was the manifestation of his technique?

"Wow," you breathed, momentarily amazed by the revelation. "How does it work?"

"Maybe another time," Gojo interjected, redirecting the conversation. "Let's focus on whatever it is you were about to say first."

"Sure," you agreed, recalling your intention to show him your cursed tool, the earrings. But you were unsure about how to proceed with the barrier on and running.

Gojo Satoru seemed to understand your dilemma since he silently offered his hand. Surprised, you reached out, finding his hand without resistance.

Though tempted to ask how he bypassed the barrier, you decided to save it for later.

"It's a cursed tool," you confessed, guiding his fingers to one of your earrings.

As his touch lingered, you couldn't help but feel a surge of electrifying sensations coursing through your body, forcing you to bite down on your lower lip to suppress any audible response.

"Why are you wearing this?" Gojo inquired leaning forth as if to inspect the object, his voice close enough to brush against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

When you attempted to push him away, you encountered the invisible barrier once again.

"T-to contain my cursed energy," you stammered, turning your face away as his proximity became almost suffocating. "It's like a magnet to curses. They target me, seeking help or... worse."

"Oh?" Gojo's frown deepened, trying to decipher your explanation.

"My brother gave it to me for protection," you explained, still avoiding his gaze, focusing instead on Yuta conversing with a doctor further down the hallway. "It's been like this since I was young."

Gojo's expression softened slightly as he absorbed your words, a hint of understanding flickering in his eyes.

"Once we're back, let's get you started on some training. I'll personally oversee it to figure out what might work best for you," Gojo reassured, taking a seat beside you on the bench.

"And what if—" You hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip as you searched for the right words. "What if my cursed energy attracts hordes of curses?"

Gojo chuckled dismissively, waving his hand. "Don't worry about it. We've got solid barriers covering the premises. And if any do manage to break through, I'll handle them myself."

"I see," you murmured, turning to stare at the blank wall ahead. "I've been meaning to ask."


"Earlier, I noticed some curses avoiding you and Yuta when we entered the hospital. Why is that?"

Gojo chuckled again. "Isn't it obvious? They're afraid of me because I'm the strongest."

Typical Gojo Satoru response. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his overconfidence bordering near arrogance.

"Oh, and one more thing," Gojo's tone took on a mischievous edge. "You were pretty cool back there. Jumping off the third floor of—"

Instinctively, your hand darted to cover his lips, a blush of embarrassment coloring your cheeks at his rare compliment.

"Don't," you cautioned softly, feeling his lips move against your palm, the sensation sending a jolt through you before you quickly withdrew your hand.

Two questions nagged at you: why wasn't his 'limitless' barrier active when you touched him, and why did he kiss you?

"Hehe," Gojo chuckled teasingly, his tone grating on your nerves. "Aw, Y/N-chan's shy to compliments."

Suppressing the urge to punch him for teasing, you shot back, "Why did you kiss my hand, you perv?"

"Oh? Would you prefer I kissed your lips instead?" His playful response irked you further.

"Gojo Satoru, you're crossing the line—"

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice interrupted, cutting through the electric tension transpiring between you and Gojo Satoru.

It was Shinji, the same person you'd met earlier.

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