20 ~ Twenty

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[F]or the journey to the city, two cars were called in.

Kitoyaka Ijichi took the wheel for you, Gojo, and Nanami, while Akari Nitta assumed the responsibility of driving the kids.

The destination was the vibrant streets of Tokyo, where the small group planned to meet up.

Nanami settled into the front seat, leaving you and Gojo to occupy the back.

Kitoyaka Ijichi on the other hand, seemed unusually tense, though the cause of his nerves remained elusive.

During the drive, you mostly sat in silence, captivated by the shift from serene forests to the lively cityscape. Tokyo's modernity intrigued you, contrasting sharply with the traditional charm of Kyoto, your hometown.

"Enjoying the scenery, hmm? Y/N-chan?" Gojo's teasing voice interrupted your contemplation and momentarily brought you back to the present.

"I've been considering something," you mentioned casually, barely sparing Gojo a glance. "Maybe one of us should've accompanied the kids."

"Don't worry, they'll be fine," Gojo reassured with his trademark confidence, reclining in his seat.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his nonchalant demeanor, choosing to focus on the passing cityscape instead.

Sensing your lack of reaction to his teasing, Gojo Satoru shifted his attention to the stoic Nanami.

"Hey, Na-Namin, it's so great to have you hanging out with us today," Gojo remarked, a playful grin to his lips.

Nanami, ever the pragmatic one, responded with his usual calm demeanor. "Just here to ensure everything runs smoothly."

Gojo chuckled, undeterred by Nanami's stoicism. "Ah, but with me around, what could possibly go wrong?"

Nanami raised an eyebrow. "Everything."

"Y-Ya, Nanamin?" Gojo's tone held a hint of surprise as he processed Nanami's statement. "Don't go dropping ominous lines in front of Y/N-chan."

As Gojo's teasing antics persisted, the car abruptly pulled up near a quaint Japanese sweet shop.

"Looks like a cozy spot," Nanami remarked, his gaze flicking to the shop's entrance.

Gojo's teasing paused momentarily as he eagerly suggested, "Let's take a quick break and grab some snacks while we wait. My treat, of course!"

"Strategically chosen meeting spot, huh?" You commented, shooting Gojo a look.

"Absolutely. Plus, we can always stock up on some treats for later."

Exiting the car, you found yourself drawn to the display of traditional Japanese sweets as you approached the shop.

The friendly shop owner greeted you with a warm smile. "Welcome, dear! What can I get for you today?"

You deliberated before ordering, "Strawberry Daifuku and Taiyaki for me, please."

With a nod, the shop owner then turned to the enigmatic white-haired man standing beside you, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

When did he even get here? You had no clue.

"And for you, young man?"

"Red Bean Daifuku, of course!" Gojo exclaimed eagerly.

You couldn't help but shoot him a warning glance. "No sneaky bites of mine later," you cautioned.

Gojo chuckled, unfazed. "Sharing is caring, Y/N-chan."

"Only if you share yours." You scoffed, eyeing him placidly. Then turning to Nanami, you gestured towards the sweets. "How about you, Nanami-san? Anything catching your eye?"

"I'll pass, thank you," Nanami declined with a small, polite smile. But soon informed you and Gojo, "Ijichi just got off the phone with Nitta-san. The kids made a stop at a nearby shop and will be here in about 15 to 20 minutes."

"Perfect timing. Then how about we have some fun in the meantime?" Gojo suggested with his trademark enthusiasm.

"Iie ('No')," both you and Nanami turned him down in unison.

While you didn't know Gojo Satoru that well, something about him spelled trouble. And judging by the fierce look on Nanami's face, it only confirmed your suspicions.

"Seriously, guys, loosen up a bit," Gojo complained, his voice dripping with feigned disappointment.

But you and Nanami remained unmoved, treating his antics with the same indifference a seasoned sorcerer would show towards a minor curse.

"Huh? Y/N?" The voice of a man, both familiar and unfamiliar, called out to you, prompting all three of you to turn towards it almost instinctively.

Nanami stiffened slightly beside you, his composed facade unwavering, while Gojo's smile, though still present, carried a subtle hint of wariness.

You blinked, your mind needing a moment to register the man beside you: tall, clad in a black turtleneck, matching pants, and a khaki coat, with a fade haircut, seemingly half engrossed in his phone call.

"A-Ah... Senpai?" Your voice carried a subtle hint of shock as recognition dawned on you.

Gojo and Nanami exchanged a glance before cautiously fixing their gaze on the approaching man.


~ Author's Note ~

Yay! Yayyy! We're finally at 20 chapters.

It's been a journey. Hopefully there's still a long way too go.

Let me know in the comment section what you think of the story.

Thanks, see ya in the next chapter.


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