5 ~ Five

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[A]s the sun dipped below the horizon and rain started to pour from the darkened sky, Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer, stood beneath the shelter of a nearby building.

His gaze was fixed on the direction of Jujutsu High's main entrance, the same path you had taken earlier after a confrontation with his students. Initially, he had waited, expecting your return so he could revel in your frustration. But as time passed and the rain intensified, you remained absent.

For the first time in a while, Gojo found himself questioning his own judgment.

Not far away, snippets of a conversation reached his ears and dragged him out of his thoughts:

"Hah! I knew it! We shouldn't have trusted Gojo Satoru's words," Maki's voice rang out, tinged with irritation.

"But it's also our fault for not respecting his guest. Gojo-sensei could have scolded us, but he didn't," Yuta tried to reason with her.

"Who? That idiot? Yeah, right," Maki retorted sarcastically. "And whose fault was it for not sharing this crucial information in the first place?"

"It's too late to argue now," Panda interjected calmly. "It's getting dark and raining heavily. We should call someone to search for her. She could be injured."

"Salmon," Toge agreed with his characteristic food-inspired speech.

As the group deliberated, Gojo interrupted with a cheerful greeting, almost startling them. "Heya!"

Recognizing him, Maki's expression shifted between queasiness and irritation. "Gojo Satoru! What are you doing listening in?"

"Aha," he chuckled. "I've been here all along, waiting for Y/N L/N to return."

"So you're still holding out hope, huh? Baka," Maki muttered, arms crossed.

"We're going to look for L/N San," Yuta declared, trying to redirect the conversation.

"No need," Gojo interjected, flashing his phone at their faces. "I've already called Ijichi. He'll be here soon."

"A-and how exactly do you plan on convincing her to come back?" Maki's frustration seeped through her tone as she resisted the urge to wipe the smirk off her sensei's face. But challenging Gojo was like swimming upstream—futile.

"Don't worry your little head, Ma-ki Chan," Gojo teased, elongating her name in a way that grated on Maki's nerves. "Why don't you all head back and let your most wonderful sensei work his magic?"

"Tsuna," Toge muttered flatly, shaking his head disapprovingly.

Panda, understanding Toge's cryptic language, interjected. "I agree. We can't just brush this off. We owe L/N San an apology."

Gojo's grin widened as he surveyed his students, sensing their remorse. Extending his arms, he enveloped them all in a playful embrace. "Oh, look at you all, growing up so fast."

"Shut up," Maki snapped, attempting to land a blow on Gojo, only to have her fist repelled by an invisible barrier. "Ouch," she muttered, shaking her hand in an attempt to rid herself of her pain.

Gojo's limitless had totally slipped her mind, she realized.

Just as Gojo was about to seize the chance to tease Maki further, the sudden honking of a car interrupted the moment, followed by the familiar ringtone of his phone.

Glancing at the screen, he answered, "Kiyotaka Ijichi? Already here? Alright, got it."

With a playful smirk, Gojo turned to his students, "Seems duty's calling, my darlings. Think you can all hold down the fort while I step out?"

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