37 ~ Thirty-Seven

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[G]ojo Satoru eagerly took a bite of the cream puff, and a look of sheer delight spread across his face.

The creamy filling oozed out slightly, and he couldn't help but let out a satisfied hum.

"No way," he exclaimed between bites, savoring the delicate flavor. "These cream puffs are so good, they could rival my charm. And trust me, that's saying something."

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his self-praise. "Glad they suit your taste," you replied dryly, not feeding into his ego.

As the white-haired sorcerer indulged in the last bite of the cream puff, he leaned back with a contented sigh, a satisfied smirk gracing his lips.

"No way! You're telling me you're a master of confections? Is there anything you can't do, Y/N-chan?" he exclaimed, his tone dripping with playful admiration.

You simply shrugged, downplaying your own skills with a hint of modesty. "I picked up baking as a hobby back in Kyoto. But I still have a lot to learn."

Yuta chimed in, his voice filled with genuine awe. "L/N-san, really is talented, huh?"

Upon hearing about your baking skills, Gojo's curiosity was immediately sparked. "Say, Y/N?" he called out, his voice filled with intrigue.

"Hmm?" You turned your attention to him.

He flashed you a charismatic grin, knowing he had caught your interest.

With an enthusiastic tone, Gojo leaned forward, his expression brightening. "Remember that favor you owe me, Y/N?" he asked. Then suggested, "How about you put those baking skills to good use and whip up some Kikufuku for us?"

You were caught off guard by the unexpected request, blinking in surprise. "W-What?"

"Bake us some kikufuku with Zunda and fresh cream, and brew some tea specially made by you," Gojo demanded, raising the stakes with his request.

You paused, considering his demands before finally relenting. "Alright, if that's all you want."

But Gojo Satoru wasn't satisfied yet. Raising a finger, he also added, "and I hope you wear a kimono."

Your eyes instantly narrowed at the unexpected condition.

Was this some kind of fetish?

Before you could protest, Yuta voiced his curiosity, "Oh, I'm curious about how L/N-san would look in traditional wear."

"Me too," Panda added, nodding in agreement.

"Salmon," Toge chimed in cryptically.

Feeling outnumbered, you sighed in defeat. "Fine, but there's one condition," you declared firmly.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, intrigued by your condition. "And what's it?"

"As long as I'm not the only one wearing a kimono. If I'm wearing one, everyone participating should too," you asserted firmly, refusing to be singled out.

Gojo considered your condition for a moment before flashing a confident smirk. "Alright, deal."

Yuta, feeling emboldened by your negotiation, raised his hand shyly. "Can we come too?" he asked eagerly, wanting to be part of the gathering.

You nodded in agreement, appreciating the kids' enthusiasm. "Of course. You guys are always welcome."

Gojo, ever the eager one,  also added, "Great idea! Let's invite Principal Yaga, Shoko, and Nanami too."

"Alright! We'll schedule it for the day after tomorrow. That should give us enough time to prepare," you concluded.


"Admit it, Y/N-chan." Gojo nudged you playfully, his tone teasing. "Life just isn't the same without me around to keep things interesting."

You shot him a weary glare, letting out an exaggerated sigh before retorting, "Oh, were you gone, Gojo? I must have been too busy enjoying the peace and quiet."

"Just call me Satoru," he insisted.

But you shut him down coldly, saying, "No way?"

"Babe, I've showered you with nothing but kindness. What's with the cold shoulder?" His tone was mockingly hurt, but there was genuine warmth in his expression.

"Don't for a second think I've let go of that little incident three days ago, Gojo Satoru. You're not off the hook yet, not by a long shot."

"I'm touched by your dedication to holding grudges. It's truly inspiring."

"Glad to know my flawless memory is an inspiration," you retorted casually, delivering the final jab with a hint of satisfaction.

A brief silence filled the air as you both walked back towards your quarters.

"Y/N?" His tone was serious as he called out again, though a smile lingered on his lips, catching you off guard. You stopped and turned to look at him.

"Why are you still mad?" he asked, feigning ignorance.

As if he had no idea? He could have easily healed the mark, but instead, he chose to parade around, proudly displaying your bite mark to everyone, humiliating you in the process.

"Why am I still mad? Oh, I don't know, maybe because you thought it was hilarious to parade that mark around like a badge of honor?" You didn't wait for his answer, frustration simmering beneath the surface as you resumed walking.

Abruptly, fingers laced around your left arm, forcefully backing you against the wall.

In that instant, you were reminded of the stark height difference between you and Gojo Satoru. At 163 cm, you were by no means short, but compared to his towering 190 cm frame, you felt small.

His hands pressed against the wall beside your head, his imposing figure looming over you as he leaned in closer. You could feel his breath on your lips, dangerously close, sending a shiver down your spine.

You raised your head to meet his blindfolded gaze, feeling the intensity radiating from him.

He was undeniably captivating. And you begrudgingly admitted, irritatingly so.

"What are you playing at?" You asked evenly, feigning indifference to his actions and presence.

You had hoped that by the end of your cycle, any lingering attraction you felt towards him would have dissipated. But you were wrong.

For now, you resolved to stay put until you could get rid of those once and for all.

As you stood there, locked in a momentary silent standoff, you couldn't help but wonder what game he was up to.

Suddenly, he leaned in closer, his breath ghosting over your lips, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through you. "I'm just here to remind you that running away won't solve anything," he whispered, his voice low and tantalizing.

What was that?

Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to maintain your composure.

You could tell he wasn't just talking about the incident.

You knew he somewhat had a point too, but admitting it would mean acknowledging the strong attraction between you two.

With a steely resolve, you pushed him away, dispelling the tension that hung thick in the air. "I'm not avoiding this," you declared firmly.

He backed off, hands raised in mock surrender, his cocky grin still plastered on his face.

As you turned to leave, his voice trailed after you, dripping with amusement, "My, my, pushing me away already? Didn't know you were into playing hard to get."

Another shiver ran down your spine, his words hinting at something deeper. Something darker and primal.

Yet, you couldn't shake the feeling that it might just be another one of his playful antics.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin