51 ~ Fifty-One

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[N]ear the abandoned building where young Kota had been rescued just a week prior, Gojo Satoru found himself once again, drawn by reports of a special grade spirit sighting.

"Set down the veil," Gojo commanded his companion, Kiyotaka Ijichi, his tone authoritative yet tinged with a hint of playful arrogance.

"H-hai," Ijichi nodded nervously, quickly complying with the order as the semi-circle curtain descended around them, enveloping the strongest sorcerer in a protective shroud.

Before the veil settled, Gojo shot a reassuring glance back at Ijichi before striding confidently into the darkness ahead.

"Alright, let's make this quick and clean. We've got better things to do than hang out in creepy buildings all night," he muttered to himself, his blindfolded eyes scanning the surroundings with keen anticipation.

With each step, Gojo's senses sharpened, his six eyes alert for any sign of the elusive spirit.

As he navigated the corridors with effortless grace, Gojo felt a surge of excitement coursing through him. The thrill of the hunt, the challenge of facing an unknown adversary – it fueled his determination, driving him forward with unwavering resolve.

Suddenly, a malevolent energy washed over him, signaling the presence of the special grade spirit lurking nearby.

"Finally decided to show yourself, hm?" Gojo mused, his voice dripping with amusement, as the spirit materialized from the ground behind him.

The strongest sorcerer sensed the malevolent presence keenly, yet the special grade cursed spirit failed to instill fear in him.

Gojo Satoru welcomed the challenge head-on, his confidence unshaken.

"Let's get this over with, shall we—"

"Where's she?" The cursed spirit's harsh interruption slightly caught Gojo off guard, prompting him to turn his blindfolded gaze back to the spirit.

"She? Who?"

"We want the girl."

"The girl?" Gojo's frown deepened as he focused his attention on the ominous figure before him, its form resembling a half-humanoid shape with long black hair cascading around it like a pool of dark water.

"If you mean Y/N," Gojo interjected, his tone laced with curiosity and a hint of suspicion, "why do you need her?"

"This doesn't concern you, you filth. He wants her."


"The lord wants her," the spirit rasped, its hair lifting menacingly off the ground and forming into sharp skewers.

"Che!" Gojo Satoru chuckled confidently. "Too bad, you'll have to tell your master that SHE is under my protection."

In response, the spirit went into a frenzy, its dark mouth widening as it let out a piercing shriek before launching itself at the sorcerer, ready to attack.

Without hesitation, Gojo sprang into action. He'd make quick work of this spirit, eager to return to your side and spend the night with you.


When Gojo finally emerged from behind the veil, his lips was twisted into a mock pout, hinting at an underlying moodiness that Ijichi couldn't quite decipher.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Ijichi opted to keep his questions concise and relevant.

"Finished already, Gojo-san?" Ijichi inquired cautiously, his tone tinged with deference.

"Ha? What do you think, Ijichi?" Gojo's response was playful, his blindfolded gaze lingering on his driver with a hint of disdain.

For some reason, Ijichi felt like he was under scrutiny, his previous interest in you not forgotten.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Where stories live. Discover now