18 ~ Eighteen

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"You want to test my skills?" You echoed, as if saying it aloud would help you grasp his proposal.

"Yup, yup," Gojo Satoru replied, a mix of excitement and amusement laced in his tone. He presented you with two options. "Either face me in combat or take on Maki-chan."

You paused, contemplating your options, until you caught Nanami's subtle expression, advising against the first choice.

With a resigned sigh, you relented. "Fine, I'll challenge Maki."

"Just remember, if you can't defeat her, you'll owe me a favor," Gojo cautioned, extending a finger dangerously close to your face.

You couldn't help but take a step back, creating some much-needed space between you and his intrusive presence.

His obliviousness when it came to personal space was truly perplexing.

"Why should she owe you anything if I'm the one facing her, hmm? Gojo Satoru?" Maki interrupted cuttingly.

Gojo simply smirked in response. "I'm the one initiating this game, Maki-chan," he retorted, undeterred by her sarcasm. Then, his focus shifted back to you. "So, what do you say?"

"And if I win?" you asked, merely out of curiosity.

"I, the strongest, will grant you any request you desire."

The offer sounded tempting, but you had nothing specific in mind to ask of him. So, regardless of the outcome, it didn't quite affect you.

What could Gojo Satoru possibly request from you, anyway?

But then, a chill ran down your spine as you recalled last night.

"Okay," you agreed, albeit reluctantly.

"Alright, quit stalling and get moving," Gojo prodded with a grin, his playful demeanor evident as he urged you into action.

You shot him a wry glance, knowing full well he was enjoying this spectacle before you descended the stairs and crossed the track to join Maki on the grass.

"Okay then, let's not waste any time," you muttered to yourself, bowing slightly in respect. "I'll do my best not to rough you up too bad. My bad in advance if things get a bit rough."

Maki's surprise flickered across her face, her stern expression softening briefly at your gesture of respect. It seemed you had gained some respect points in her book, whether you realized it or not.

Straightening up, you stretched your arms and adjusted your stance—a position that exuded confidence and determination, unfamiliar yet intriguing to both Maki and the others.

With your back straight and your dominant hand extended slightly before you, you stood with one foot in front of the other.

It was a stance that exuded confidence and readiness.

Maki flipped her spear expertly in her hands, her fierceness clear as she positioned the blade's end toward you.

"Take it easy, Maki-san," Yuta muttered out of concern, mostly for you.

"And don't hold back, Y/N-chan," Gojo interjected with his trademark smirk, his words carrying a hint of playful challenge. It was his way of showing support, albeit in his own unique style.

"Gojo Satoru, you seem to be reveling in this quite a bit," Nanami observed casually, his calm demeanor contrasting with the charged atmosphere.

You found yourself momentarily distracted by the sound of Gojo Satoru's voice echoing in the background, a brief lapse in concentration that did not escape Maki Zen'in's notice.

"Stay focused, and don't underestimate me," Maki's voice cut through fiercely, her words carrying a hint of challenge as she launched her attack with lightning speed, aiming to strike you from the left.

Reacting instinctively, you executed a quick backbend, narrowly evading her lethal strike as the blade of her spear sliced through the air, grazing a few strands of your bangs.

While her attack missed its mark, you quickly regained your composure, the rush of adrenaline fueling your movements. With two swift steps backward, you created distance between yourself and your formidable opponent, a strategic maneuver to avoid being within the reach of her deadly weapon.

A sharp whistle pierced the air, drawing your attention to the sound. It was Gojo Satoru, his presence a constant reminder of your current predicament.

How he could oversee your fight despite being blind was a mystery to you.

You wondered how his extrasensory abilities allow him to do that?

It was a question that lingered in your mind as you refocused your attention on the fight at hand.

Maki Zen'in wasted no time, launching a rapid series of lightning-fast attacks that left you with no opening to retaliate.

Despite the onslaught, you remained vigilant, analyzing her blurry movements and committing her attack patterns to memory.

Briskly, you shifted your weight and sidestepped, narrowly evading another lethal strike. Then seizing the opportunity, you countered with a swift kick to her midsection, your shin connected with a powerful blow that forced her to momentarily loosen her grip on her weapon.

Capitalizing on her momentary vulnerability, you seized her spear with your right hand, taking control of the weapon and gaining a temporary advantage.

However, you'd underestimated Maki's resilience. With a split second decision, she countered with a sweeping kick, catching you off balance and sending you crashing to the ground.

In an instant, she was back on her feet, pinning you to the ground.

You maintained your composure, offering Maki a humble compliment as she stood over you.

"You're quite strong, Maki-San," you acknowledged, your tone filled with genuine admiration for her skills.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin