61 ~ Sixty-One

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"You have the option to abstain," Nanami confided as he began to stride towards the students. "If you prefer to maintain the status quo, that is."

He casted one last look in the white-haired direction before waking away.

Meanwhile, observing the students' eagerness for the cake, you showcased your culinary skills by meticulously portioning out slices for each of them.

Adorning their plates with an array of delicacies—macarons, fruits, cupcakes, and slices of cake—it might have seemed extravagant to some, but it was a portion fit for your own consumption. Ensuring even Nanami received a serving, you didn't forget him.

However, when it came to serving the white-haired sorcerer, you pretended he was invisible, instead opting to capture an aesthetic photo of your plate.

"Quite the photographer, Y/N," Nanami remarked, noting your picture, while Gojo Satoru's expression deflated in mock dismay at being overlooked.

Seeing Gojo's reaction, Yuta chuckled softly and offered his plate to the white-haired sorcerer. "Looks like L/N-san might have missed you."

Gojo raised a hand to decline Yuta's plate until you intervened, serving him clumsily but deliberately.

Unfazed by the makeshift presentation, Gojo mimicked your earlier actions, snapping several pictures of his own plate. "Let's take a group photo before Yuta's big send-off."

"Absolutely," Yuta agreed enthusiastically.


"Agreed," Panda chimed in with his usual cheerfulness.

Maki remained stoic, well aware that arguing with them would be futile.

"I'll pass," you interjected, shaking your head. "I don't want to ruin the picture."

"But why?" Yuta questioned, genuine curiosity lacing his voice.

"I just don't like how I look in photos," you admitted.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," Gojo reassured, but you shrugged off his comment, opting to distract yourself with a macaron.

"I'm sure it'll turn out fine," Panda persisted, joined by Toge and Yuta's hopeful expressions, finally coaxing you into agreeing.

With Satoru handling the photography, his long arms providing the perfect reach, the snapshots were taken.

As the pictures were reviewed, your expression appeared uneasy and unsettled.

"See? I knew it," you sighed, confirming your earlier reluctance.

"You'd look stunning if you smiled," Gojo insisted with a pout, but you chose to ignore him again, resigned to the fact that it was a lost cause.

However, when Nanami approached you and whispered something in your ear, your eyes widened in surprise before a genuine chuckle escaped your lips.

Click, click.

Capturing a genuine smile, Nanami had succeeded where others had failed.

Gojo couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and slight jealousy.

What had Nanami said to make you laugh, and why were you suddenly so friendly with him?

"I wonder what Nanami-San whispered to L/N-san," Yuta pondered aloud, savoring a bite of his cake. "By the way, this cake is amazing."

Gojo Satoru's gaze flickered towards his favored student before shifting to Nanami. "Hey, Nanami," he called out, his attempt at subtlety falling short. "What did you say to Y/N to get her to laugh?"

Nanami brushed off the inquiry with a dismissive wave. "None of your concern," he replied curtly, turning away.

"Aw, come on," Gojo persisted.

"Ask Y/N yourself, if she's willing to divulge," Nanami retorted.

"Tsu-na Tsu-na," Toge approached you tentatively, speaking in his cryptic manner.

You leaned in and whispered something in response, causing Toge to stifle a chuckle.

"Hey, what did you say?" Yuta's curiosity piqued, prompting you to share the secret with him as well. Mimicking Toge's actions, Yuta also burst into laughter.

"Was that really what Nanami-San said?" he asked you, still amused, and you nodded with a hint of a smirk.

Gojo's curiosity grew, but he knew you were intentionally keeping him out of the loop. Instead, he turned to Yuta, seeking answers.

"So spill it," Gojo urged, eager to know the secret.

"Sorry, Sensei," Yuta chuckled, raising his hands in defense. "I can't betray L/N-san's trust. We promised to keep it between us."

And so, the mystery persisted, leaving a certain white-haired sorcerer feeling left out among his oblivious students.

While he didn't mind their happiness, the camaraderie between you and Nanami sparked a twinge of irritation within him, reminiscent of the feeling he had when he'd seen you with Ijichi.

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