31 ~ Thirty-One

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[S]tartled by the abrupt knocking on the door, you snapped awake from an unexpected doze.

"Y/N? You done in there? Shoko brought some stuff for you. Wanna have a look?" Gojo's voice called out from outside.

"Give me a sec," you replied, clearing your throat.

As you rose from the tub, the towel enveloping you was still soaked through. Hastily, you unwound it, wringing out the excess water, before snatching a fresh towel from the nearby rack.

Discarding the damp towel into the laundry hamper, you released the bathtub drain, allowing the water to swirl down the drain. After a quick rinse of the tub, you made your way towards the door.

Opening it, you found Gojo leaning casually against the wall, a paper bag in hand.

"Finally decided to show up, huh?" Gojo remarked with his trademark smirk, handing you the bag. "Shoko said you might need this."

As you inspected the contents, you realized you hadn't brought any spare clothes or underwear.

Noticing your predicament, Gojo raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"I need to grab something from my room," you admitted.

"Like what?"

"Just some clothes. And... underwear," you responded, feeling a bit awkward.

You'd half-expected him to simply drop the subject and let you go. Or maybe who knows? Tease you endlessly about it. But you were surprised when he offered, "Alright, I'll handle it. Stay put."

"Wait," you interjected before he could leave. "I need something loose."

"Loose, huh?" Gojo repeated with interest at your choice of words.

"Yeah, something comfortable," you clarified, feeling a tad self-conscious.

He flashed you a confident grin. "Consider it done," he said before sauntering off to procure what you required.

You rifled through the bag until you found the sanitary pads, silently thanking Shoko for her foresight.

Meanwhile, Gojo returned, presenting you with a black lace underwear set, comfortable but undeniably provocative. You blushed at the sight, before realizing something.

"What about the clothes?" you inquired.

"Couldn't find anything loose enough for ya," Gojo replied casually with a shrug.

You cleared your throat, averting your gaze. "How would you know if you can't see?"

"I can still sense when it's loose and comfortable," he retorted with a suggestive tone, his words laden with innuendo, causing you to narrow your gaze at him.

What? Was he boasting about his expertise in the bedroom or something?

"Okay, hand them over," you demanded.

"What?" He feigned innocence.

"Those. Whatever you're holding," you clarified.

"Oh, you mean those?" Gojo teased, his tone light but incredibly suggestive. "Your sexy lingerie?"

"Enough," you snapped, snatching the garments away, feeling a flush of heat rise in your cheeks.

Unsettled by his crude remarks, yet oddly stimulated, especially during your period, you hastily retreated into the bathroom.

"Feisty," Gojo remarked, his voice muffled as you shut the door in his face. "Wait up, babe. I've got more to say."

"We're done," you insisted firmly.

"Okay," Gojo conceded, his tone suggesting he wasn't entirely giving up. "How about one of my shirts? Comfortable and loose enough for you. What do you think?"

You paused, weighing your options before deciding to accept his offer. Re-opening the door, you stated, "Okay, hand it over."

It beat the alternative of navigating the narrow path to your room wrapped in nothing but his towel. Again.

Gojo complied with a smirk, producing one of his crisp white shirts for you. As you accepted it, he couldn't resist a playful jab. "Not even a thank you?"

"Thanks," you retorted tersely, snatching the shirt and closing the door firmly in his face, the remnants of his cologne lingering in the air, mingling with the heat deepening in your cheeks.

His audacity was unmistakable, his flirtatious demeanor persisting even in the aftermath of his antics, emphasized by the faint marks adorning his neck.

After a while, you emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed and more at ease. You couldn't help but notice the changes in Gojo's domain.

Said sorcerer was lounged in his lavish chair, one leg draped casually over the other, an air of luxury surrounding him. In the short time you were absent, he had managed to summon tea, breakfast, and even a small coffee table, a display of extravagance that left you wondering where he even got those from.

Seemingly aware of your thoughts, he explained, "Ijichi brought it all while you were away."

"So you've enlisted him as your personal servant now?" you remarked sarcastically.

Gojo shrugged nonchalantly. "He volunteered to assist."

You eyed him suspiciously, suspecting that poor Kiyotaka Ijichi had little say in the matter.

"Are you just going to stand there? Come and eat, babe," Gojo invited, his tone surprisingly casual.

"Don't call me that," you retorted sharply.

"What?" he quirked an eyebrow, his demeanor teasingly provocative.

"Babe," you reiterated firmly. "We're not in that kind of relationship. People might misunderstand—"

"And?" He interrupted, his posture shifting as he leaned forward, a subtle hint of dominance in his demeanor. It was both intimidating and strangely alluring.

You averted your gaze, feeling exposed under his scrutiny, despite his blindfold.

"Is that what you want?" he taunted, his voice laced with amusement.

"What are you talking about?" you retorted, though the hint of a flush betrayed your unease.

"To be in that kind of relationship. Is that what you're looking for, babe?" he prodded, his tone suggestive.

"Gojo Satoru," you snapped, your tone sharp. "Don't call me that. And don't lump me in with your conquests."

"Conquests?" He feigned innocence. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb," you countered sharply. "The bite mark on your neck says it all. Did you even consider hiding it before attempting to seduce me, you jerk?"

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air, the tension between you both felt electric, crackling with unspoken desires.

Then, Gojo chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent shivers down your spine, leaving you wondering what he found so amusing.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Where stories live. Discover now