46 ~ Forty-Six

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[S]ensing the danger of being too close to Gojo Satoru, you pulled away. His scent lingered in the air, intoxicating and alluring.

Straightening yourself, you crossed your arms over your bust, a stern expression replacing the earlier vulnerability in your gaze.

"Why hide such beautiful eyes?" you demanded, your tone sharp.

Gojo's smirk only widened in response, his gaze darkening as he looked at you with an almost predatory glint in his eyes.

His straight, silky hair framed his face now that the blindfold was gone, and you couldn't deny the undeniable magnetism he exuded.

"I thought Yuta already told you," he teased, his voice dripping with arrogance.

It was as if he knew the effect he had on you, his presence filling the room with an electric charge that made it hard to think straight.

"How much did you hear?" you asked evenly.

His chuckle sent shivers down your spine, stirring up another ache in your nether region.

He was undeniably attractive, in a way that felt almost otherworldly, and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

Gojo leaned back casually in his chair, a smug grin playing at his lips.

You couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his nonchalant demeanor than met the eye.

"I heard everything," he said, his tone casual as if discussing the weather. "Yuta's revelations about Geto included."

Your body stiffened at his admission, a wave of apprehension washing over you.

Did he truly hear everything?

"Is that so?" you responded, your voice betraying none of the unease swirling within you.

Gojo shrugged dismissively, his gaze holding a glint of calculation. "What's there to hide?"

Though you eyed him dubiously, you decided to let this matter drop for now.

"We still need to talk about what happened," you asserted firmly, refusing to be swayed by his antics.

There was a fleeting darkness in Gojo's expression, a glimpse of something unsettling before it vanished behind his usual cockiness.

"Of course," he replied smoothly.

Steeling yourself, you confronted him. "Why did you do it? If you knew I was there, why go through with it?"

His reply was as infuriating as it was predictable. "Because it was fun, obviously."

You let out a tired sigh, fixing him with a piercing glare. "Fun? Spreading your... seeds on someone's face?"

"Mhm," he hummed in agreement, casually crossing one leg over the other. "On yours specifically, though. I admire your willingness to confront me."

Your jaw clenched at his insolence. "You're an insufferable jerk."

As you pivoted to make your exit, your hand mere inches from the doorknob, a sudden thud broke the silence, jolting you to a standstill.

Startled, you froze in place.

With a resounding crash, his hand slammed against the door, the force of it sending shockwaves through the room, effectively blocking your exit.

Instantly, his intoxicating scent surrounded you, a heady mixture of spice and sweetness that ignited a primal instinct within.

It felt as though he had appeared out of thin air, his presence looming behind you, casting a shadow over your short stature.

Leaning in close, his voice dropped to a low growl as he whispered, sending a jolt of desire coursing through you. "Looks like you're not completely clueless after all."

Confusion mingled with arousal as you demanded, "What do you mean?"

His response dripped with amusement and a hint of raw hunger. "You've been playing with fire, babe. And now, you've got my attention."

Your breath hitched, and you turned to face him, words faltering.

But as your eyes locked with his darkened gaze, his predatory stare sent a chill down your spine, stirring a volatile mixture of fear and desire within you.

The tension crackled between you, yet you managed to push out the words: "W-what do you want?"

His captivating gaze dipped to your lips, a smirk playing on his own as he murmured, "I'll consume you whole, babe. I'll eat you up."

Your insides twisted, a heat spreading through you at his bold declaration. His words ignited a desire you hadn't known before.

Inhale. You advised yourself.

Allowing his eyes to roam over your face, as if daring you to uncover his intentions.


Any resistance within you started to melt away, your facade crumbling under his penetrating gaze until all he saw was your own longing.

He remained motionless, silent, his eyes locking with yours, intensifying the tension between you.

And the tension...

It stretched and stretched until it felt like the air crackled with electricity, leaving only one inevitable outcome: surrender.

And when he felt himself teetering on the edge, and sensed your resolve falter under his unwavering stare, and caught the hitch in your breath-

He kissed you.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Where stories live. Discover now