9 ~ Nine

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[J]ust a couple of hours earlier, as Gojo reminisced, he had been discussing your situation with Principal Yaga when he felt a sudden surge of cursed energy.

By the time they'd reached the track and field, the scene before them was entirely unexpected.

Recalling the information shared by Yaga-sensei, Satoru Gojo couldn't shake off the fact that you were supposedly a novice in cursed energy and techniques. Yet, here you were, confidently battling a powerful curse spirit.

This inconsistency slightly puzzled Gojo. How could someone with limited experience exhibit such skill and prowess?

As he observed your fight, a mixture of admiration and curiosity engulfed him. It was evident that there was more to you than initially met the eye, with hidden potential waiting to be unlocked.

"So what's on your mind, sensei?" Gojo inquired with his trademark charm, his expression hidden behind his iconic blindfold.

Yaga's gaze bore into Gojo, suspicion flickering in his narrowed eyes.

Despite Gojo's usual charm and popularity with the ladies, it was rare to see him engage in a serious conversation without his limitless energy flowing freely, as it did with you earlier.

"What was all that about earlier?" Yaga questioned, curiosity lacing his tone.

"Well," Gojo began, recalling the awkward moment when he accidentally sat on you. "She seems to think I'm blind."

Yaga arched an eyebrow, considering Gojo's words. "Can't argue with that," he conceded, acknowledging the effectiveness of Gojo's blindfold in adding to his enigmatic aura.

Chuckling, Gojo shook his head. "No, I mean she thinks I'm actually blind. Thinks the blindfold is for show. I think we can use that misconception to our advantage."

Yaga leaned in, intrigued by Gojo's line of thinking.

"If she thinks I'm blind, she might lower her guard, giving us a chance to assess her true intentions," Gojo proposed, his voice carrying a hint of strategy.

Yaga mulled over Gojo's suggestion, recognizing the potential strategic advantage in exploiting your perception of Gojo's blindness.

"So you're suggesting we put her to the test?" Yaga queried, his interest now fully piqued.

"Exactly," Gojo confirmed. "I have a feeling she's hiding something from us."

Yaga's expression turned serious as he absorbed Gojo's revelation. Your brother's death, the mysterious assassins, and your proficiency in combat—all aspects of your past remained shrouded in mystery.

"Look like Mei Mei's kind of task," Gojo declared, his tone amused.

Yaga nodded in agreement, acknowledging Gojo's strategic acumen as always. He knew Gojo was the best choice for the task at hand.

"Try not to let your emotions get the best of you," Yaga cautioned his former student, now a respected teacher at Jujutsu High, with a hint of jest in his tone.

As Gojo calmly sipped his tea, Yaga's warning caught him off guard, causing him to spit out his drink. "Oh, come on, Yaga sensei. You're not implying I've got a crush on her, are you?"

Yaga remained composed as Gojo's outburst left him with a dampened face, deftly wiping it clean with a handkerchief. "Your behavior earlier might suggest otherwise," he remarked, his tone tinged with amusement at Gojo's reaction. "If she proves to be a threat, you'll have to handle it. We all know how things ended with Geto."

Gojo slammed his cup onto the table, though his confident smirk remained firmly in place. "Not a chance. Besides, I'm not exactly the settling down type."


As confident as Gojo appeared, Yaga couldn't shake the underlying concern gnawing at him. He knew all too well the weight of loss that burdened Satoru, should another tragedy befall him.

Despite Gojo's undeniable charm and skill, there was always a reckless edge to his actions. Yaga grasped the necessity of Gojo's plan to test your intentions, yet he couldn't ignore the potential dangers it entailed.

"Gojo," Yaga's tone turned grave, "This isn't a game. We can't afford to underestimate the risks she might pose."

Meeting Yaga's gaze, Gojo's facade softened slightly. "I understand, sensei. But sometimes, you have to play the game to win."

With a resigned sigh, Yaga accepted the inevitability of Gojo's resolve. Despite his reservations, he placed his trust in Gojo's instincts above all others.

"Very well," Yaga relented, "But tread carefully. And remember, if she proves to be a threat, you must act decisively."

Gojo nodded, a hint of arrogance creeping into his smirk. "Got it, Yaga-sensei."

With a swift rise from his seat, Gojo exuded his trademark confidence. "Anyway, time to check on our little Y/N Chan. Catch you later, see ya."

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