34 ~ Thirty-Four

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"Anyway," Nanami advised stoically, "a balanced diet includes more than just desserts. Have some real food first."

He'd noticed you barely touched your breakfast on the table, instead focused on fumbling with your box of Daifuku, swallowing them as if they were your main meal.

"I'm on your side here," Gojo commented, his lips morphing into a mock pout. "But it's like she's got selective hearing."

"Pass for now," you waved off, comfortable in your blanket nest.

You somewhat resembled an oversized sushi roll to Gojo, with your hands poking out like chopsticks, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"What's funny?" you grumbled, giving the white-haired sorcerer a perplexed stare.

"Just imagining you as a human sushi roll," Gojo let you know.

"Please refrain from unnecessary comments, Gojo Satoru," Nanami chided sternly, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for his intervention as you indulged in another daifuku.

Before you knew it, the box was empty, and you were eyeing the taiyaki next.

But Gojo wasn't having it. His hand shot out to grasp yours, blocking your path to the desserts. "Seriously," he insisted, his tone still playful but firm, "eat your breakfast first, or I'll make sure no one buys you treats for months."

His threat struck a nerve, and despite his playful demeanor, you could sense he wasn't joking. With a glare, you relented.

"Let go," you requested wearily, and he complied.

You reached for your chopsticks, albeit reluctantly and turned to your breakfast options: onigiri, tamagoyaki, miso soup, and pickled cucumbers.

You attempted to down the onigiri and tamagoyaki first, but they felt like swallowing boulders. Quickly giving up, you moved on to spoonfuls of cold miso soup, finding some comfort in its familiarity.

"Well done, Gojo. A rare display of responsibility," Nanami observed, adjusting his glasses.

"Finally acknowledging my greatness, heh, Nanamin?" Gojo quipped, flashing a playful grin.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Gojo. I still don't trust you," Nanami replied stoically, unfazed by the white-haired sorcerer's antics.

"Hey, Nanamin, guess what? I learned something new today," Gojo announced with enthusiasm.

Nanami raised an eyebrow, his expression unchanged. "Oh? And what might that be?"

"Apparently, women bleed a lot each month."

This made you choke on miso soup, capturing the attention of both him and Nanami.

It was unclear whether it was sheer ignorance or a deliberate act on Gojo's part.

Nanami's stoic demeanor cracked slightly, a faint vein of annoyance appearing on his forehead. "I do not wish to know any further," he stated flatly.

Gojo, undeterred by Nanami's disinterest, leaned in closer. "But Nanamin, isn't it fascinating? How can women bleed so much and still be alive?" he pressed with a playful smirk.

Nanami sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Some things are better left unexplored, Gojo," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of exasperation.

"But aren't you curio—"

"Enough," you interjected firmly, setting down your chopsticks and fixing Gojo Satoru with a steely glare. "Yes, we do bleed a lot, each month for several days. And it's not fun or fascinating—it's excruciating pain, confusion, and feeling isolated. Is that clear, or do you need me to spell it out for you?"

Your frustration boiled over, evident in the sharpness of your tone. But you weren't going to tolerate any more of Gojo's insensitive remarks while you were in discomfort.

What an asshole, and here you thought he had some redeemable qualities.

"Alright, alright, no need to get so worked up," Gojo said with an easy shrug, trying to lighten the mood. "I get it, periods suck. How about I make it up to you?"

But you remained stubborn, refusing to budge an inch.

Your scowl deepened, lips pressed into a firm line as you avert your gaze, treating Gojo like an annoyance you'd rather ignore.

And perhaps he sensed it, because there was a hint of uncertainty in his usually confident demeanor.

"Come on, Y/N," Gojo cajoled, his grin widening. "I promise I'll make it up to you. How about I share my kikufuku with you? You know you can't resist my impeccable taste in food."

You shot him a side-eye before snatching his box of treats. "Fine," you conceded, "but no forcing me to eat more. Feels like rocks in my throat."

Nanami's brow furrowed. "Is that another side-effect of your curse technique?"

"I'm not sure," you admitted with a sigh, rubbing your nose. "But picture trying to swallow after your neck's been twisted badly. Not pleasant."

Gojo and Nanami exchanged a glance, understanding dawning on their faces.

"Why didn't you say anything about it sooner?" Gojo questioned.

"Complaining isn't my style," you replied firmly.

"Then how are you managing desserts?"

"I don't know," you confessed. "Maybe they're easier to swallow because they're softer."

Noticing that you had only nibbled on select treats and that your only substantial intake was the soup, Gojo swiftly grabbed his phone. "I'll ask Shoko about it," he said, already typing before Nanami could say anything else.

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