2 ~ Two

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[T]he black car coasted to a stop near the pavement, its engine purring softly as it halted.

Kiyotaka Ijichi, the driver from Jujutsu High, stole a glance in the rearview mirror at the figure shrouded in a black hoodie occupying the back seat. Their features masked by the darkness of the garment, they remained silent as the car came to a standstill.

"We've arrived, miss," Kiyotaka's tone was firm, tinged with a hint of harshness.

With a nod, you grasped onto the only two bags you had brought and began to make your way out of the car.

You could sense an air of tension in the confined space, and for some reason, you couldn't shake the feeling that the driver harbored some sort of disapproval towards you.

As you turned to close the car door behind you, Kiyotaka exited from the driver's seat, gesturing towards an area further to your right.

The path was flanked by trees and adorned with stone columns, their detailed carvings lending an air of ancient mystique as they led to a shrine-like entrance.

"Um," you began tentatively, biting your lower lip as you struggled to find the right words. "I'm not sure if this is the right place."

You were under the impression that you were headed to Jujutsu High, a school that would provide you with protection while investigating the mysteries surrounding your brother's untimely demise. But why were you in front of a shrine, you had no idea.

Kiyotaka adjusted his glasses, his expression austere as he responded in a typical, professional tone, "This is indeed one of the many paths that leads to Jujutsu High. You are at the correct destination."

The grim and eerie atmosphere of the surroundings left you questioning the nature of this school. However, considering the suspicious individuals who had instructed you to come here, it seemed fitting.

What did it matter if they were deceiving you and planning harm? Your mood wasn't exactly conducive to a desire for survival, not after losing everything.

With a nod, you muttered a flat "thank you for the ride" and began moving.

The voice of Ijichi echoed again, forcing you to come to a halt as you casted a last glance at him. "Miss L/N?" he called out again. "I believe you're in the right place."

His words seemed to carry a deeper meaning, one that hinted at more than just physical location.

You were no fool; you understood that he meant this was where you belonged, even if it wasn't where you wanted to be. It wasn't the first time you'd been indirectly labeled as peculiar.

"I hope you find the answers you're seeking for," Ijichi's parting words were laced with a hint of concern, but you were too indifferent to pay much attention.

With another dismissive nod, you turned your gaze forward and resumed your walk.

There was no need for further exchange; your purpose was clear, and nothing else mattered as you made your way towards the shrine.

After a few minutes, you crossed the first torii gate and continued walking until you reached the entrance of the next gate.

Pausing there, you couldn't help but admire the traditional Japanese architecture, with buildings reflecting Buddhist style dominating the area around the entrance.

Feeling a bit disoriented amidst the serene surroundings, you pondered how you would navigate the vast property without a guide.

"Great," you muttered sarcastically, weariness evident in your voice as you rubbed your temples, trying to alleviate the tension.

Then opting to explore the area in search of someone who could offer guidance, you soon discovered just how mistaken you were.

As you wandered among the buildings, not a soul crossed your path. Eventually, you arrived at an open area resembling a track and field, the only modern feature amidst the traditional surroundings.

Your journey halted abruptly as your eyes were drawn to the marvelous sight before you.

"Is this truly a school, or am I dreaming?" you pondered aloud.

Before you could come to a conclusion, you felt something heavy and steel-like rest on your shoulder blade, prompting you to shift your attention to said area.

Your suspicion was confirmed as you laid eyes on a staff-like object.

"So, they're really going to kill me after all," you mumbled to yourself, a hint of resignation in your voice.

"Speak up now," a harsh yet sarcastic female voice demanded from behind you. "Who are you? And what brings you to this place?"

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