72 ~ Seventy-Two

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[S]lowly drifting back to consciousness, you felt the soreness in your body, a lingering reminder of the passionate night you had shared with a certain white-haired.

Warmth enveloped you, and you could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest as he slept behind you, his breaths coming in a steady rhythm.

With a hesitant movement, your hand began to snake down to his arm, silently attempting to slip away from his grasp without waking him.

You couldn't bear the thought of facing the potential embarrassment of the morning after.

"What are you doing?" His husky voice cut through the air, his arms tightening around your waist and causing you to freeze in place, your breath catching in your throat.

"Y-You're awake?" you stammered, slightly surprised by his sudden awareness.

"Mhm," he hummed, his tone playful as he buried his nose in your hair, inhaling deeply. Despite your doubts about your nasty smell right now, his words reassured you. "Damn, how do you always smell so amazing?"

You couldn't help but sigh in mild relief, feeling hints of embarrassment wash over you.

"What are you doing in my bed?" you demanded calmly, feeling surprisingly relaxed in his embrace.

His warmth, his breath, his arms around you—it all felt oddly comforting.

As you rolled around to face him, you couldn't help but notice just how hot he looked. His lazy, sleepy expression, his messy hair framing his face, and those crystal blue eyes that seemed to pierce deep into your soul.

For a moment, you questioned if you were dreaming. How else could you explain having such a godlike figure in your bed? Your hand moved instinctively, brushing the strands of his hair away from his forehead.

He purred at your touch, watching you with a curious and relaxed gaze. "What are you doing?" he breathed, moving closer to you on the bed, his breath teasingly brushing against your lips.

Memories of the previous night flooded your mind—the way he had pleasured you, making love to you so passionately. You felt a warmth spread across your face.

"Nothing," you quickly replied, attempting to roll out of bed, but his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer.

"Say, can I kiss you?" he asked, his eyes fixated hungrily on your lips. His tone was needy, a side of him you had never seen before.

The suggestion was tempting, but the thought of your morning breath stopped you. You grabbed a nearby pillow and playfully smacked it into his face, breaking the tension between you both.

"No," you added firmly, seizing the opportunity to escape his grasp and make a run for it.

However, luck was not on your side. As you took a step out of bed, your legs gave out beneath you, causing you to collapse onto the ground.

"What's wrong?" he asked cockily, looking down at you from the bed. You were completely naked, lying on the ground, your expression a mix of confusion and frustration.

Trying to grabbed and cover yourself with the bed sheets, you struggled to get up, but his grip on the fabric held it firmly in place. You gave up, glaring at him instead. "Satoru Gojo," you hissed bitterly.

His chuckle only added to your frustration. "What did you do to me?" you demanded, your eyes narrowing at him.

He shrugged mischievously, sitting up on the bed. "I don't know. Must've just fucked you crazy or something," he replied with a smirk.

You blinked at him in disbelief, trying to convey your thoughts through your eyes, but he leaned in to press a chaste kiss on your lips before sliding out of bed himself.

More than your embarrassment at your nakedness, you felt self-conscious at his shamelessness as he stood before you, completely nude. His first reaction was to grab the covers, wrap you in them, and then sit you on the bed while he searched for his scattered pants.

"Okay," he turned back to you, unfazed by your near-nakedness. "You choose. Either I help you shower, or we could both enjoy a nice bath in my bathtub. What do you think?"

You sighed after considering the options. "Get me to the sink first and let me wash my face."

"No fair, babe, you didn't choose any of the options I—" he began, but you interrupted him.

"Then we can have a bath together," you said, averting your eyes shyly. His grin widened at your response.

"'Kay, sounds like a deal," he agreed, scooping you up without waiting for further discussion and carrying you to the bathroom.

He was gentle as he held you next to the sink while you went through your morning routine, brushing your teeth and washing your face.

After handing you the towel, he helped you dry your face with gentle strokes. Then, you fetched a new toothbrush and toothpaste from the cupboard and handed them to him.

Instead of taking them and freshening up, he scooped you up again, carrying you back to the bedroom and setting you down on the bed. With a cocky smirk, he accepted the toothbrush and toothpaste from you.

"Wouldn't want you to slip and hurt yourself now, would we?" he teased before disappearing into the bathroom for his own routine.

When he returned, ready to leave the room, you stopped him with a sudden thought.

"W-wait," you called out, causing him to pause and glance down at you. "What if someone sees us?"

"Come on, babe, it's six in the morning. Who do you think would be lurking around my quarters at this time?" he reassured you with a playful grin.

You rolled your eyes at him, but didn't say anything else as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

Indeed, the hallway leading to both your rooms was dark, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, relishing the closeness as he escorted you to his bedroom and gently placed you on the bed.

Observing him curiously, you watched as he headed into the bathroom, the sound of water indicating he was preparing the bath. He returned and retrieved a small chair from his closet before effortlessly scooping you up, tossing you over his shoulder, while holding the stool in his other hand.

You protested with a playful punch to his back. "What are you doing, Satoru Gojo? Put me down right now."

He didn't waste a moment before dropping the stool in the shower cabin and delivering a playful spank to your backside.

"Umph," you groaned, feeling a surge of arousal between your legs at the sensation, recalling how he had done the same thing the night before.

"Now now, Y/N. Be a good girl, unless you want to be punished, hm?" He unraveled the cover from around you and seated you on the stool.

You were naked, so you instinctively clamped your legs together and crossed your arms over your chest to preserve a bit of your dignity.

He clicked his tongue teasingly. "There's no need to be shy, babe. You know I've seen it all before. Look at yourself."

Your gaze lowered to your own body, realizing it was covered in bite marks and hickeys that you hadn't noticed before.

"Satoru Gojo, what did you do to—"

"Call me Toru, babe," he interrupted with another sexy smirk. "When it's just the two of us, call me Toru."

Your lips parted, unsure of how to respond. But he continued, "And I already told you, I merely fucked you crazy."

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