4 ~ Four

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[A]ll heads snapped towards the source of the voice with such rapidity that it almost caused a collective whiplash.

Approaching with effortless grace was a man, strikingly handsome and dressed in impeccably tailored dark blue pants and matching jacket.

His striking white hair stood in disheveled spikes, and his eyes remained concealed beneath a pristine white blindfold.

Beside him stood another man, older with a fade cut and spiky hair at the top.

While the older man was tall, the newcomer exuded an imposing presence, towering over even him.

With a casual flick of his fingers, a burst of cursed energy surged in your direction.

Instinctively, you flinched and attempted to dodge, with your hands still occupied with restraining Yuta's spirit.

Thankfully, the energy missed its mark.

But it wasn't until you heard the mysterious man's whistle and his remark, "Ah, so Miss Y/N L/N has finally graced us with her presence," that you realized your hood had slipped off, revealing your identity.

How on earth was he able to tell who you were if he was blindfolded?

But you dismissed it, chalking it up to his cursed techniques.

Your momentary distraction however, allowed the cursed spirit to squirm, almost catching you off guard.

"Yuta-kun, summon Rika back, okay?" The mysterious man's cheerful tone carried a subtle firmness.

Yuta visibly tensed at the command, promptly obeyed. "Rika, cease!" he ordered, and the spirit halted its struggles, withdrawing.

Your muscles were practically screaming with pain, but it wasn't your top priority at the moment.

Turning towards your bags, you could feel their curious stares burning into you. But you decided to ignore them, and moved to inspect your belongings, only to find your instrument, the last memento of your deceased brother, badly damaged.

Your expression darkened, catching the attention of Gojo Satoru and Principal Yaga.

Just then, Maki groaned visibly irritated, "Gojo Satoru, care to explain? What's a non-sorcerer doing on Jujutsu High's turf?"

"Now, now, Maki, calm down. This person is important," Gojo said softly, trying to ease the tension.

"Y/N L/N," Principal Yaga was the first one to address you as you busied yourself to zip your bag. "I would like to apologize on behalf of our students. They're young and visibly reckless. We'll make sure that some punishments are in order."

"Yeah, right," you interjected venomously. "Some warm welcome this is. Is this how you treat your guests?"

"Oh, come on!" Gojo whined in protest. "We already said sorry. And we'll compensate you for your loss if that helps."

You ignored Gojo's call and gathered your belongings with a sigh, frustration simmering beneath the surface. The damaged Koto held immense sentimental value, and its destruction cut deep.

As you made to leave, Gojo's voice cut through your surroundings again. "Y/N L/N? You're going somewhere?"

Ignoring him, you continued walking, retracing your steps.

Principal Yaga decided to intervene, "Huh, I think you're headed the wrong way."

You halted abruptly, shooting a disdainful look over your shoulder, causing those around you to flinch, except for Gojo Satoru.

"I'm leaving," you replied tersely. "I have no intention of staying here any longer. Disrespecting me is one thing, but damaging the last mementos of the deceased? That's not something I can accept. Thanks for the hospitality anyway."

Your words may have come off as slightly rude, but considering the circumstances, it seemed justified.

You had endured enough disrespect throughout your whole life, but when it came to your brother's belongings, you drew the line.

As you made your way back towards the Torii entrance, Yuta's voice echoed behind you with a hint of remorse.



"I... we apologize for causing trouble."

"Don't worry about it," Gojo waved dismissively. "I'm sure once she realizes she's stranded, she'll drop the stubbornness and come back."

Principal Yaga massaged his temples wearily and nodded. "Whatever happened today only complicates matters. But I agree with Satoru. Just make sure you apologize when she returns."





All four teenagers almost simultaneously echoed their acknowledgments, while Maki diverted her attention to the side.

"Now, now Maki," her teacher chimed in good-naturedly, patting the teenage girl on the head affectionately. "I know it's hard for you to trust anybody after the recent incident, but try to be a little more flexible, 'kay?"

Maki growled, swatting his hand away. "Shut up, Baka! Give us some heads up next time."


Although Gojo often came off as an idiot with his teasing habits, everyone present knew his instincts were often on point.

If the strongest sorcerer of the jujutsu world believed you would return, there was a good chance you would, once your irritation had subsided.

But little did they know, he was dead wrong about you.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Where stories live. Discover now