53 ~ Fifty-Three

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"So, what's your deal? It's hard to think what you do for a living." The detective leaned back in his chair, arms folded over his chest, fixing his gaze on the white-haired sorcerer seated across from him.

The café they were in, exuded a cozy ambiance, soft lighting casting gentle shadows across the room.

It was just the right size—not too large, not too crowded—making it an ideal spot for a serious conversation, one that delved into the depths of mortality.

Gojo Satoru flashed a playful grin, lounging back with an air of nonchalance. "Ah, you know, I'm in the business of molding young minds. Teaching a bunch of troublemakers, if you will."

"Dressed like that?" Shinji raised a skeptical brow, eyeing Gojo's unconventional attire.

The sorcerer simply shrugged nonchalantly. "Gotta keep things interesting, right? And as for Y/N..."

"She's your assistant, you said?" Shinji prompted.

Gojo nodded, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Among other things."

"And what's with the blindfold? It's a bit... unconventional."

Gojo's playful demeanor shifted slightly, his expression turning thoughtful. "Sensitive eyes, you see. Glasses during the day, blindfold at night. Helps with the lighting."

"Sounds like some sort of cover-up to me."

Gojo rolled his eyes dramatically. "Ah, come on. Are we playing the interrogation game now? I'm not here for that, you know?"

The detective let out a heavy sigh, weariness evident in every line etched on his face as he broached the subject. "About the boy's death, they wanted to pin it down on Y/N."

"She saved him though. She's got nothing to do with his death. Sounds like medical negligence to me."

"That's the thing," Shinji pointed out, frustration creeping into his voice. "It's not the first time this has happened."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Anyone who gets involved with her ends up dead one way or another."

"It's not her fault," Gojo asserted firmly, his eyes sharp as he leaned forward, his presence imposing.

"I'm not saying it is, just... she can be trouble sometimes."

"Are you a friend or an enemy, I wonder."

"I'm not trying to speak ill of her—"

"Doesn't sound like it to me," Gojo cut in casually, adding a few sugar cubes to his matcha latte before taking a sip.

There was a heavy pause between them, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air like a thick fog.

Shinji sighed once more, "It happened with my sister once, when we were still in high school."

The sorcerer reclined in his chair, his keen gaze fixed on Shinji, a faint glimmer of intrigue dancing in his mesmerizing eyes. "Your sister, huh? Did she... pass away?"

Shinji drew a deep breath before nodding solemnly, his expression tinged with faint semblance of sorrows.

"Yeah. Y/N was somehow always one step ahead, like she could foresee the future or something."

"Predicting the future, huh?" Gojo mused, a playful smirk playing on his lips as he ran a hand through his snow-white hair. "Sounds like déjà-vu."

"Exactly. And now with young Kota... it's like history's repeating itself."

Gojo's demeanor shifted slightly, his playful facade giving way to a more contemplative expression. "I'll inform Y/N about the boy. But first, I'd like to delve deeper into her past."

"Hasn't she told you anything herself?"

"Not a word. She's a mystery when it comes to that stuff."

"Ah, the classic Y/N move," Shinji remarked with a knowing nod, before conceding. "Alright, I'll share what I know. But be warned, this isn't your run-of-the-mill case."

Gojo flashed a confident grin, his eyes gleaming. "Who said I ever dealt with the ordinary?"

The detective shot Gojo Satoru another suspicious glance, but he went on to recount the unsettling tale of Y/N's supposed involvement in his sister's death nonetheless.

Leaning forward, the white-haired sorcerer rested his elbows on the table, absorbing the details with keen interest.

"So, she predicted your sister's suicide?" Gojo mused. "And then she was found alone on the rooftop, trying to save her?"

Shinji nodded solemnly. "Yeah, that's the gist of it. But the rumors started swirling, ya know? People accused her of pushing my sister to her death, even though there was no evidence to back it up."

Gojo let out a low whistle, shaking his head in mild disbelief. "Sounds like one hell of a mess. Poor Y/N."

"Yeah, it was rough on her," Shinji agreed, his tone heavy with regret. "After that incident, she was treated like an outcast. Bullied, ostracized... it really took a toll on her."

From that story alone, it was clear that Shinji still harbored some sort of resentment towards you for whatever happened to his sister. To yourself.

But it wasn't your fault.

It wasn't uncommon for non-sorcerers to view sorcerers with suspicion or fear. Although he didn't fully grasp the extent of what you went through, Gojo felt a sense of understanding towards you.

The sorcerer's gaze hardened slightly, his playful blue eyes reflecting a hint of sympathy. "Well, she's got us now."

"Um? What do you mean?" Shinji's voice wavered as he tried to decipher Gojo's cryptic words.

"Isn't it obvious?" The sorcerer chuckled, rising from his chair with a fluid grace. "I'm there to back her up, no matter what. Even if the whole world turns against her. She doesn't have to be or feel lonely anymore."

"W-wait, what about—"

"I already told you, didn't I?" Gojo shot Shinji a pointed look, his gaze sharp. "I'll inform her about the boy. But my advice to you is to steer clear of her."

"What's that supposed to—"

The sorcerer's expression remained nonchalant, but there was an underlying edge to his tone as he continued, "Too bad none of you understood her like we do. Who knows? You might've saved lives if you did."

Shinji opened his mouth to respond, but Gojo waved him off before he could say another word.

"See you around. And remember, stay away from Y/N."

With that, the white-haired sorcerer turned on his heel and confidently strode out of the café.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin